Should I put light behind the Ford emblem? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Should I put light behind the Ford emblem?

I've been thinking about little things I can do to my truck that are cheap. I was thinking of taking off the front emblem, sanding off the blue but leaving the chrome colored Ford there, and then putting a small bulb behind it.

or... sanding off the blue AND the chrome on the ford, and then painting all but the Ford letters white (to match the truck). so the Ford name would be lit up... I'd put a few coats of black on the back of the white paint so that the light didn't 'bleed' into the white.

let me know what you think

Edit: Also, what color bulb should I use? I was thinking clear... but red might be good too just to have a different color... It would match my calipers/sway bars then.

I was thinking of just getting a license place bulb socket and that sized bulb to put behind the emblem, and tapping into the parking lights.

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I took an emblem apart and I dont think you can put a bulb behind it and make it work.
Check out Lumilogos.

Yes you need a Lumilogo. I have seen one before, I want to say on Gerralds truck Herc, but it was pretty trick looking.

If I remember right there were some complaints with how long the bulb lasts and that they were not worth the $$$, but then I also remember something about they can be fixed (sealed) with silicoln to make them work okay and last longer.

Maybe we should try a search? :)


Any body know the web page for Lumilogos. Or who sells them? Thakns

Well I just did a SEARCH using the word LUMILOGO and I came up with about 50 threads that talk about them

You can buy them in many places including JC whitney.

You can try your own search on Explorerforum by using the SEARCH button at the top of this thread.

You can also go to GOOGLE and type in LUMILOGO and find all sorts of places to purchase these.......

about searching.....

well first off, I had no clue that things like this existed.
secondly, I had no clue that there were even things called lumilogos
and 3rd, you can say which design you think would be better!:D

Hydroxy, that wasnt for you dude, your question yielded the results. The result was its been done and you can buy them.

Then CRAZYCOW425 chimed in and said where can I find them?

And I said search

And what do you mean WHICH style works better? Are there more than 1 style? All I see are different sizes.......

410: I see, I read it all wrong... was wondering why you went off like that =P

And I ment comment on the styles I listed in the first post... have the letters or background light up?

Hydroxy, I'm glad you clearified what you ment by the styles. I was gonna tell you I thought the bow-tie would look best on your truck.:eek:

I was thinking about replacing all the ford symbals on my ex with chevy bow ties, what do you think. LOL J\K:p :D

you both are going to hell :fire:


hydroxy not sure if you have every tried painting your emblem, and removing all the chrome out of the FORD lettering. I did though on my old xplorer and well i found it to be rather a PITA, it was very very difficult to remove ALL the chome lettering from the oval and lettering. I would say stick to something that leaves the chrome lettering in, espically if your a stickler for little imprefections like that...

I actually saw a Ford with a glowing emblem before....I don't know if it was bought or custom made. It had a green glow-in-the-dark look to it. I would say a blue bulb because of the Ford blue, but don't think it's legal to have blue lights on, and red glowing lights on the front may be illegal. I would go for a different color that's not a standard like red, blue, or amber. Sounds like a cool idea, I say go for it. If you screw up, just buy another emblem.

I haven't had any problems with mine so far.


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Where did you get that!? I think I want one now.

Now if you could take one of those lighted Ford Emblems and take the blue out and paint it a color to match your X, now that would be awesome IMHO.


that is what I was planning on doing =P

Well definately keep us informed on how this mission goes.


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Did a google search and came across this thread, Waking up a dead and buried thread here lol. I doubt Ill get any answers from the original people that posted here but I see that TAS98xlt posted a picture of a backlit Ford emblem and said you can get them from JC whitney and I was curious as to if he was talking about buying a regular ford emblem and modifying it or actually buying a backlit ford emblem?
