show off your LIFTED truck - photo thread | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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show off your LIFTED truck - photo thread

yeah, so i wanted to separate men from mice and see your LIFTED explorer.
(yes, i´m gonna steal ideas for my soon to be x)
also this thread could be really cool for everyone else who´s into jacked up trucks.

keep 'em coming!

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All I can do is drool Tom, such a perfect truck. What the hell else can you do to it?

Tom does have an awesome truck, isnt the weight distribution almost exactly equal on all the wheels. You have a fine rig there and Matt yours is cool too b/c it is more like mine. It is something I might be able to do some day

Thanks guy's. I've been working on it for 10 yrs. to get it were it is now.

DasFrem, The one thing I have to do to it is something I should of done a long time ago. ROLL CAGE:roll: I'm doing harder trails now and it really gets hairy sometimes.

RX4, Good eye. I've shifted things around and the difference between front and rear is about 12lbs. One of the rad things I did was move the gas tank to the rear.


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It's taken me 10 yrs. to build it up and another 10 to pay for everything. Luckily my kids are all gone and this is kinda money I would have spent on them if they were home:D Sometimes when my kids call and ask for money I tell them, "I don't have any money but how about a Pia light or roof rack or spare rim":)

Nice truck!!!!!!

Das frem do you have any pics of the sawzall work?

Yeah, roll cage should be higher on my list of things to do as well. I wish I had a father who had some spare truck parts laying around.

Me- "hey dad, listen, things have gotten rough, I'm a little short so do you think I could borrow 100 bucks or something?"
Dad- "well son, sorry can't do that, but how about a HP44?"
Me- "woo hoo! Dad, you're the greatest!!!"

Yomie, I'll try and snap some pics after work, it's not pretty, but it works.

Cool thanks i would appreciate it.

Das that was great I'm still laughing:D :D :D You can work as a standup and make some extra money for your D44 son;)

Yomie I PM'D ya.

Das frem, where did you get the snorkel? What did it cost? If you fabbed it, what did you do? Hows about some better pics????

Can't believe I forgot to post a pic of my X!

Anyhow, here she is next to a neighbors stocker.



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that's beautiful matt! you can't even tell you trimmed. j/k man.. your truck is nice. that snorkel is pretty dang cool.

matt you ever hear of that tuff stuff foam? i would pick a can of that up ( the minimal expanding kind ) and spray it up in there... that way itll keep mud, salt, water, everything outta there and keep your inner fender from rusting... you could just trim rest to your contour and paint it black and youll never even know...

need help lifting my baby

hey guys! i got a 99 xlt a year ago and i really would like to lift it, get bigger tires and make it bad ass... where can i get a lift, how big, what size tires and any idea on cost? I really want mine to look tougher (like all of yours) can you either email me or just post here? thanks sooooooo much, greatly appreciated


99 explorer xlt 4x4:cool:

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Noozi- Welcome to the site. I think it would be easier for you to answer your questions by using the search button on top of the page. This topic has been discused many times. It would be faster for you to make a decission by using the search feature. Youll recieve much more info that way.
