Side Trim removal | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Side Trim removal


Active Member
December 27, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Southeast Georgia
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Sport 4x4
Okay, first things first - I didn't know whether to put this in the Body Work & Detailing forum, as that's a more general forum for such and I have a first gen Ex, so I thought I'd post it in here instead, since it is more likely that someone knows the answer to this.

My question is fairly simple. I haven't tried to do it yet, but I was wondering how you remove the side trim that runs along the bottom of the door (the one w/ the stripe). Here's a pic of my Ex so you can see what I'm talking about:


Do the trim pieces just pry off, or is there something behind them holding them onto the body other than simple clips? I figured I'd ask before I just went out there and tried to do it, and ended up breaking it :p

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The molding with red stripe?

Taped on.

Just bend it back some with a tool of your choice, and then slowly pull it off. It'll leave adhesive/tape on the Explorer, but just use a pinstripe/decal removal tool that you put on a drill, and just "rub" it off.

There's the tool I used to remove the adhesive and left over tape, just put it in your drill, and go to work "rubbing" it off.

Good Luck

Simple enough. Thanks :)

What I'm trying to do is a small "touch up" project. I replaced the stock black grille that goes with the Sport with the "chrome" grille found on other Explorers. Mine was sort of screwed up when I got it, so I decided to replace the grille and the headlight/corner light assemblies with the "chrome" ones. Anyway, it left the rest of the trim and molding on the truck looking...dull, so I figured I could repaint all of the faded trim to make my Ex pop a bit more.

This weekend, I took the front bumper off of my Ex and I plan to repaint the metal gloss black, and paint the trim piece in the middle a darker red to give it a more Sport-like look. Then I started thinking about how that will make the sides look, so I thought I'd better do the side moldings the same way. So hopefully things will turn out in this small project, and my Ex will look a bit better than it did before :)

can you post a pic when the side trim is off? i might want to do this to mine. WOW i have a lot of projects lined up

Simple enough. Thanks :)

What I'm trying to do is a small "touch up" project. I replaced the stock black grille that goes with the Sport with the "chrome" grille found on other Explorers. Mine was sort of screwed up when I got it, so I decided to replace the grille and the headlight/corner light assemblies with the "chrome" ones. Anyway, it left the rest of the trim and molding on the truck looking...dull, so I figured I could repaint all of the faded trim to make my Ex pop a bit more.

This weekend, I took the front bumper off of my Ex and I plan to repaint the metal gloss black, and paint the trim piece in the middle a darker red to give it a more Sport-like look. Then I started thinking about how that will make the sides look, so I thought I'd better do the side moldings the same way. So hopefully things will turn out in this small project, and my Ex will look a bit better than it did before :)


i too wanted to get rid of the orange stripe but really did not want to mess with the time and glue removel i just bought some of 3m's best high temp electrical tape and used that to cover the orange's been almost 2 years now and it's not even wanted to peel or come loose ...good stuff for $6 a roll at home depot

titan09 if you do really remove the trim i would like a pic ive been looking for a little and cant find one with the trim removed with the 2 tone paint

titan09 if you do really remove the trim i would like a pic ive been looking for a little and cant find one with the trim removed with the 2 tone paint

...did'nt bill gates teach you anything lol ...m/s paint is your friend......

