Skyjacker steering stabilizer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Skyjacker steering stabilizer


Active Member
February 8, 2013
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Ford Explorer XLT
The title says it all im just curious does the skyjacker stabilizer come with mounting brackets iv looked and it just doesn't say ? And if so will post pictures of installation

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It should come with the brackets, mine did, but I got the dual steering stabilizer. Best bet is to call Skyjacker and ask them. Don't have any pictures of install, but it was pretty straight forward. Hope this helps.

I lied, I did have one. The brackets are the golden colors you see. Not sure what if any difference there is for the single. I should also mention, angles changed somewhat after this picture was taken when we installed the bigger drop down pitman arm.


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Does it look right looks kinda crazy because of the angle

everybody worries about the angle, so why not put the stabiliser between here and here,, ???

make a bracket that fits the pitman arm


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It doesn't matter to me. It works good for me so I'm not complaining but I have just heard it crazy angles and its not bad for it. Is it ?

I don't see it hurting anything as it is... however I don't need nor run a steering stabilizer at all on mine (35x12.50 tires). I think stabilizers are band-aids to cover up steering & suspension problems.

I do see the angle of your steering linkage itself needs some attention (needs a longer dropped pitman arm, or swapping a better linkage on it entirely). If you're having some issues, I would certainly deal with that first.

Some info here:
