SOA and axle questions? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SOA and axle questions?

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Explorer Addict
October 15, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
va beach
Year, Model & Trim Level
92explorer&94 ranger
Just some quick question,I just got a new 2nd gen rear end and its got perches on it for soa that are for a jeep made by I think more.will they work with my springs? I allready have soa now.also if the shocks mounts are moved up with the soa would it use stock shock length? I'm going to replace shocks also.

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bump anyone?

Just some quick question,I just got a new 2nd gen rear end and its got perches on it for soa that are for a jeep made by I think more.will they work with my springs? I allready have soa now.also if the shocks mounts are moved up with the soa would it use stock shock length? I'm going to replace shocks also.

will it work? Depending on where the perches are welded, get out the tape measure and compare.

As for shock position, depending on where you mount them then yes, you could probably run a stock length shock. you don't gain any additional travel from a SOA, just lift.

To determine a mounting position I would try to measure the position on a stock explorer from eye-to-eye on the shock and see if you could mount them at close to the same distance.

They are in the same spot,they just look wider to prevent axle wrap and the shock mounts to the perches but above the axle.I've had soa for 5 years now they just look different from my skyjackers and jeep new one are for a jeep.

Nevermind it wouldn't work so I didn't get it

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