Sohc ..crank Crank Crank.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sohc ..crank Crank Crank....


Well-Known Member
December 13, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Russell Springs, Kentucky
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Explorer Eddie Bauer
I have a 99 EB SOHC that is driving me nuts. . . I started out with the rough idle and CEL coming on (lean bank1,bank2) and finally broke down and did the 00M12 fix and help that problem out greatly and wasnt a bad evenings work either thanks to this forum and during this fix I cleaned my IAC and MAF next morning started and ran fine. . as for the running fine and rough idle that part is pretty much fixed but I cannont get this thing to start . . You can crank and crank and its like no gas . . but you can touch the peddle and it fires right up. . .my wife drives the explorer most of the time and she is about to kill me over having to crank it so much.. .any suggestions??.....I thought I had fixed the problem with the starting when I fixed the other but my wife let me know last night. . .I got a few "honeydew" jobs to do on the explorer to make her happy . . please help

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I would replace the IAC. Cleaning it doesn't always fix the problem.


Are you getting enough fuel pressure? Try hooking up a fuel pressure guage to the valve on the fuel rail. I suspect your not getting enough fuel.. A dirty fuel filter can cause that.

how many lbs pressure is the correct amount?

Review all the elbows in the PCV system to

ensure that there are not any cracks. Even small cracks can cause a problem. Mine was similar and found one of the elbows with hairline cracks in it. Replaced and all problems(stalling, idle jumping lean bank 1 and 2) all cleared up and now runs great.

My wife's Expedition had issued with starting. Replaced fuel filter and issue resolved.

Good Luck

Have you tested the crankshaft positioning sensor. Mine did that same thing. It would turn over, turn over and turn over. Replaced the sensor and cranked right up.

If the check engine light stays lit while the engine is cranking, you are not getting a crankshaft position sensor signal.

so am i thinking in the wrong direction by thinking it might be the IAC or MAF? but more like a fuel filter, crankshaft sensor . . ..

Based on the fact it will start when you give it gas, I'd rule out the crankshaft sensor. It's a fuel/air delivery problem.

I got a chance last night when my wife got home in the explorer to check to see if the CEL stayed on and it doesnt....i did notice that it turns over 10-15 times before starting even hot. . . .I also tried the turning the key on three times and then trying to start . . still did the same thing. . is 30-40 psi the normal fuel pressure for my SOHC? Im gonna check that tonight and replace the IAC and thinking about running some seafoam. . never tried it but seems to be good stuff. . and with 74000 its probably due some cleaning
