some measurements? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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some measurements?

hey, could some 2nd gen Xs with some lift gimme some measurements from the front and back of there fenders to the tires, so i can get an idea of what tire i can willing to do a little bit of trimming, just wanna get an idea. also list the lift you have. thanks.

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Are you talking with anylift?

Where in VA Beach are you at? I'm on Indian River.

yea with lift. Oh really, thats cool im in kings grant.

yea ive seen that. im talking about a lifted X with bigger tires and how much room you have from the tire to the fender with the lift and the bigger tires.

might as well stick a fork in this thread....its pretty much done. :) come on guys, just get off the couch and measure.

Well i think your question was answered with the link. How about telling us what size tire you want to run and then we can give opinions on lifts for you. Or share our experiences with those size tires.

well i wanna see if i can shove some 35's under there. Im pretty possitive id have to do trimming. what do you think?

oh yea i forgot, i have 2" TT warrior shackles and 3" BL on 32 tsls right now

yea, how much trimming do you think is gonna have to be done though?

I had to do alot of trimmmg and i still rub. I think it will be pushing it with 35's. Unless you get into some serious trimming.

35's can be done... Jefe had that setup before he went solid, and fordbeast has the setup now... It will take a bit more than slight trimming though.

To not have to do some trimming, you would need somewhere between 9"-12" of total lift. A 2" budget boost and a 3" BL isn't going to cut it. Most people with that amount of lift have to trim some to fit 33x12.5s.

hmmm isee...this is gonna take alot of thought then i guess. dont know if i just wanna get trimm crazy and just start hackin away at my baby. :)

im not exactly sure how to tell if id be able to fit something by looking at it, but it looks like id be able to fit something bigger...i have at least 4" of space from the fender to the tires on each side

Jefe Here is Jefe's on 35's, I will try and find the page where he shows how much he trimmed... Its quite a bit.

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Originally posted by littleExplorer
hmmm isee...this is gonna take alot of thought then i guess.
Yes! It will! This is why you don't see many Explorers running around with 35s. It takes a good amount of research, time, and money to properly install 35s with good articulation, gearing, and steering.

And yes, Doug is running 35s with close to the same amount of lift you have. I believe he trimmed the HELL out of that rig though!!:D
