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Some rear end questions


Well-Known Member
August 17, 2000
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Broad Channel Queens NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 EDDIE BAUER/ sold
I did a search but am still not sure. I believe I have a 8.8 inch rear in my 94 with 3.27 gears no limited slip. What other rear end will swap directly in? I saw some info on swaping in a disk brake set up from a 97, so I guess anything up to a 97 will fit. What other years have reguler drum rears.

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Pretty sure any 8.8 from an explorer will fit in. But if you have 4x4 remember you also have to change out the front pumpkin. I don't know if you do just trying to help. I think that all the 1st gens have drums and all the 2nd gens up have disc's.

Good Luck

I would keep the same axle ratio so I would not have to change the front.

Yup, any from 95+ should work (with the correct ratio of course.)

There were very few 3.27s that came with LS', though there were some.

Alec said:
Yup, any from 95+ should work.

Up to what year? And do all 2nd gens have rear disks?

All except some early STs.

the onlly problem you will run into is the brake lines. other than that its a direct swap.

Im doing the same thing sometime this month. I wouldnt worry about the gear ratio as long as you are willing to pay to have the front done. if you got from 3.27 to 3.73 and are going to keep stock tires or upto 31's i can sell you a front 3rd member for a great price.


Ryan1 said:
the onlly problem you will run into is the brake lines. other than that its a direct swap.

So I just need to adapt the hard lines? What about the E brake cable? Everything else just bolts up? I read the write up at 92 to 97 swap
