Somebody Hit Me!!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Somebody Hit Me!!!!!


Active Member
November 4, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
San Antonio, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
Explorer 97" XLT
So I was taking my little bro. to Hooters on saturday and as I was pulling in this guy pulled out and hit me. It really screwed up my drivers side. It really didnt do anything to his car. So I decided to call the cops to get an accident report done. So today I call his insurance company and his policy has been canceled since last november. So what do I do now. Any help would be appreciated.


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sue his ass, dont pay for it... wasnt your fault :D

Do you have uninsured motorist coverage!?

Originally posted by section525
Do you have uninsured motorist coverage!?

Isn't it the law to have that now?

Yeah, your uninsured motorist insurance will have to cover the damges and your insurance company will have to go after the dead beat. The court will garnish his wages so he can pay the insurance company back. If you don't have uninsured motorist insurance for some reason then you have to sue him yourself and again the courts will garnish his wages if he is found to be at fault.

sorry to hear about the accident try to sue him or at least threaten to sue him and see if that would get him to pay for the damage thats all i can offer with out breaking the law

I thought they had "uninsured motorist" laws everywhere now. Ask your insurance agent about that...

Well, you'll get the money either way because you were smart enough to get a police report.

i'v always had unisured motorist ever since my dad got hit like 4 times all by people with no coverage.

hope you are able to sure him, see if you can make him pay for your court cost, time lost for not working while in court, etc..

Originally posted by Rhett Browning
I thought they had "uninsured motorist" laws everywhere now. Ask your insurance agent about that...

nope, i just renewed last month.....and added it on. its like a $15/6 mo oprion i think.
