Someone help me with my radio please | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Someone help me with my radio please


January 27, 2010
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'03 Ranger
Hey Fellas, my '03 Ranger the radio will not work. I do not have an owner's manual and the Haynes book I purchased does not say....does anyone know which fuse is for the radio? I do not have the time, patience, torque, strength, eye-sight, to pull out each and every fuse to check them out. Would one of you be so kind as to just tell me, which one isfor the radio?:p:

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look here for a manual

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3 fuses for the 2003 factory radio: 20, 28 and 29, all in the dash fuse panel.

Dash fuse panel? You mean, under the hood right, the fuse-box? Thank you guys soooo much. I have a long commute and the silence is deafening!

The dash fuse panel is behind a removeable door on the far left end of the dash. You can only see it when the driver door is open. There are diagrams of both fuse boxes in the middle of the owner's manual in the "Roadside Emergencies" chapter. Check my signature for a link.

Thanks for the info. I did check all of those fuses and they are fine! My radio still does not want to turn on! Now, what should I do? Check to see if its disconnected from the 'amp'?
