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Someone must know this............


New Member
March 5, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Orlando FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Explorer Sport
I am looking to replace the engine in my '99. It has the OHV v-6 and am trying to see if we can replace it with the OHC or the V-8 without any complications? Also, if not. Which OHV motors will be ok, is it up to 2001? Which OHV v-6s would interchange with the '99???

Please answer......


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I beleive its anywhere from 95-2000 for the OHV's. Swapping to the SOHC would either a) require changing the engine wiring and computer, or b) require the changing of one sensor (i think i remember reading that the one sensor was the only difference between engines, but i could very well be wrong)

You should be able to replace it with the OHC or OHV from any year Explorer up to at least 2001 without much trouble. Are you getting an engine with all the componets with it alternator ect. or are you going to use your old ones? I believe some of them differ from the OHV with the way they bolt on. I believe you could stick a 5.0L V8 in there without too much trouble since some of them had it. Try searching for "v8 swap" and stuff like that and you should find some info. about it. I'm sure more knowledgable people will chime in.

If you get everything with it. It will pretty much swap right in. You need the complete wiring harness for the engine and the ECU. If you go with the V8 you need the transmission as well as a transfercase if applicable.

I would stick with a '96 and up motor because they will be all OBD-II. I don't know if the '95 motor is any different, but it is only OBD-I.

I say search! this is covered weekly on this forum

Ew, that info is DATED. has a much better V8 forum.

This forum has alot of 5.0L conversion info as well. When you have a truck that came from the factory with 3 different engines (96-01 = 5.0L, 97-now = SOHC) it makes it ALOT easier to put that engine in your truck.
Meaning the V8 from an Explorer will bolt into any 96-01 explorer, as long as you get everything you need.
