someone put the kibosh on my door | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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someone put the kibosh on my door

Folks, I am new here and a lehman when it comes to body parts (cars, not the ladies.) Some gal hit our 96 XLT made a big mess on our driver-side door. She put a note on the car, which was very cool. Well, looks like we are going to get about 2k from her insurance, which is even better, but there is no way I'm going to put that kind of $ into a new door. So, does it make sense that I should try to find a used door that is the same color, etc. and just swap it out? All of the components of the dented one work. Thanks for any advice and leads on where to get a green door.

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which door?
yes if the damage is just in the door then that is exactly what I would do!
Welcome...there are plenty of green 96's out there....

Driver's side front door.

dang my pass side front door is in good shape, the drivers side got crunched.
I have a green 96 I rolled....
try the classifieds, Ebay, local junk yards, and right here....

Odds of a junkyard door being a decent match are WAY slim.
Much less finding one.

I would get a door shell, swap it out and get it painted.

10-4, 410. Thanks for the tips - next time roll your ride on the other side!

I found a place on the West Coast (I am in Nebraska) that may have a match, I will check paint codes and such with him and he is going to email me a picture of the door. Could I be so lucky right out of the door? - no punn intended. We will see...

Sometimes shades will vary siginfiantly from vehicle to vehicle

hehe, I'm pretty sure that you can buy an entirely new (to you) '96 exploder for that price. :)

I need some nice lady to hit mine, so that I don't have to sell it.
