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something different.


Explorer Addict
November 4, 2005
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Central Ohio
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Powell(Columbus), OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Limited
So I've been racking my brain on how I could mount a ScanGaugeII in my truck and it not stick out like a terd in a punch bowl.

First I thought a message center housing would be good but I like having the **** box where it goes for stuff and the extra buttons on the housing would be kind of silly unless I fiberglassed over them or something. I thought about cutting a hole in the speedo besel but again, that would require lots of work to make it fit right and not look hacked.

I been watching a couple SG2's on ebay but they were about to expire so I searched again and came across this!


The Interceptor is a powerful 2 1/16" gauge that reads, displays, and records
up to 8 (Using Cyclic Scan TM) of numerous important engine operating parameters. It also functions as a highly accurate shift/warning light and performance timer!
These parameters are accessed via the vehicle's OBD2 port (diagnostic port
located under the dash). This is critical data necessary for performance tuning and problem diagnosis. The Interceptor also reads and clears DTC's
(Diagnostic Trouble Codes) and now has two user configurable analog inputs. This gauge has several patented features that will not be found on any other gauge.

Some examples of available parameters are:
Engine RPM
Transmission Temperature
Knock Retard
Mass Air Flow (MAF) Sensor
Oil Temperature
Turbo or Supercharger Boost Pressure
Ignition advance
Engine temperature
Fuel Economy (MPG)
and many more depending on application!

This gauge will keep you interior looking great! No bulky laptop, PDA, or
unsightly box to look at. Once installed, the Interceptor will enhance the
appearance of your vehicle's interior, rather than detract from it like other
devices that are suctioned to the windshield or velcroed to the dash.

How does it work?
The Interceptor can be run by itself or in tandem with another Interceptor.
The Interceptor is programmed to display the most important parameters
supported by a given vehicle. It displays any two user chosen parameters on
a brightly colored backlit LCD screen. There are several optional display,
bezel , and face colors to choose from.

Two switches, one for each field, allow the user to toggle through these
parameters. The display is updated up to 20 times per second, ensuring that
you will not miss any important data. A menu screen is available that enables
you, among other things, to record data, replay the recorded data, view any
stored trouble codes, clear these codes, set up the warning lights, invert the
display colors, adjust the scan rate, or return to the normal real time scan
function. The Interceptor automatically powers down when the vehicle is turned off and stores the current display configuration. This allows the unit to return to the same screen once the vehicle is restarted.

1996-2004 Cobra
1996-2000 Contour
1996-2004 Crown Victoria
2001-2004 Escape
2000-2003 Excursion - All Gas
1996-2005 Expedition
1996-2003 Explorer
1996-2003 F-150 - All (through August 2003 - After 8/03, use CAN)
1996-2002 F-250 Powerstroke Diesel
1996-2002 F-350 Powerstroke Diesel
1996-2002 F-450 Powerstroke Diesel
1999-2004 F-150 Lightning
2000-2002 Focus
2002-2004 Focus SVT
1996-2004 Mustang V8 & V6
1996-2003 Taurus
1994-1997 Thunderbird

2002-2002 Blackwood
2000-2002 LS
1996-1998 Mark VIII
1998-2004 Navigator
1996-2004 Town Car

1999-2002 Cougar
1996-2004 Grand Marquis
2003-2004 Marauder
1996-2003 Mountaineer

so for about $50 more, I can save myself tons of work making it look nice. Thoughts?

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Anywhere you can fit a 2-1/16 gauge. So a pillar pod, steering wheel pod, dash pod, radio besel pod...

I'm thinking of a pillar pod or a radio besel pod if I change to a single din radio.

yeah--a pillar pod. They work really well.

I don't recommend a dash pod unless you really need it after filling all the other spots-
at night the gauges reflect off the windshield--:(

i vote a pillar pod

That is what I'm leaning toward. I'm also considering an above the mirror pod like Kabukie has in his truck. He modified a Dodge Ram overhead pod to fit his Sport.

I've consitered that but I'm not a huge fan of that location.

Chris do you plan to do other gauges in your truck in the future or stick with just this one?

This is just my opinion that a single gauge in an A-pillar pod usually looks kind of goofy looking. Usually a dual pod looks better and more purposeful and fills that area nicely.

I would vote for a radio bezel or something else. I think if it were my truck and I planned to only do the one gauge that I would go with the steering column bubble. Those gauges do look pretty smooth and look like they have some good functions. :thumbsup:

I've had my eye on one of those guages for a while, let us know how it works!!

Chris do you plan to do other gauges in your truck in the future or stick with just this one?

This is just my opinion that a single gauge in an A-pillar pod usually looks kind of goofy looking. Usually a dual pod looks better and more purposeful and fills that area nicely.

I would vote for a radio bezel or something else. I think if it were my truck and I planned to only do the one gauge that I would go with the steering column bubble. Those gauges do look pretty smooth and look like they have some good functions. :thumbsup:

I agree that a single pod in the pillar looks like a cancerous growth, but i kind of think the steering column pod does too. I'm not a fan of how any of the pillar pods for our trucks snap on over the existing pillar. Unfortunately the way our stock pillars are made, no one will manufacturer a pod that replaces the stock pillar.

I have a seperate granny temp gauge that I have not installed yet, I have been seriously considering a perminant tranny pressure gauge, if I ever get around to making an upper intake adapter to put an M-90 on it, I will also want an AF meter perminantly mounted running dual widebands.

I like how some people have them mounted in the the center console but I think you have to take your eyes too far from the road/trail to view them. I like Kabukie's overhead console set up that he made with an adapted Dodge Ram pod and it would put the gauges within a quick glance of the windshield.

I really wish a Mustang besel would fit in our trucks as it would be awsome to have them right there with the rest of the gauges.

Hopefully, I will be able to let you all know how it works soon, I'm saving for a second one. I want one for my Mustang too. There is an internet seller that is selling 2 for $400 right now instead of one for $240

Maybe we could put together an EF group buy if enough people want them and get a bigger discount?

Good idea!!

I would definately be in on that!!

Well, I got my gauge last week and installed it in an Autometer pillar pod. I love this thing.

Here are the pics...


Any specifics on the operation? I'd really like to get one but I can't decide between the Sniper or that pod...

Well, between this and the sniper, it depends on what you are wanting to acomplish and how much you want to spend. If you buy the Sniper, I would recommend getting a wide band also, adding at least $200 to your total output. If your eventual plan is both, I would get this gauge first as you can plug a wide band controller into the auxilary input and monitor your A/F with this gauge.

The specifics that I can monitor on an explorer with this is air intake temp, MAF voltage, Tranny temp, coolant temp, battery voltage, throttle voltage, Miles per hour, real time and average fuel mileage, calculated/estimated HP, calculated torque to trans, A/F (with the addition of a wide band controller), o2 voltage and a few other things that I know I'm forgetting. You can also record any 2 parameters. You can also set it to give you a 1/4 mile ET but I haven't tried that yet. When I get the one in my Mustang installed I'll try that feature. Any other questions just ask.
