speaker gremlin? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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speaker gremlin?


Explorer Addict
November 7, 2002
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Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Limited 5.0 AWD
ok, as some of you know, i blew my 12" sub last week....so i am running on just my 4 6x8s.

well, the other nite i was driving and noticed it sounded like more sound on the right side of the vehicle. wo i check it out and there is no sound coming form the speaker in my driver's door. so, i take it apart and the connections seem good. so i pulled out another speaker and test and no dice. so i took the one that was giving mne thr trouble in the first place and stick it in back and it works fine. i tried switching the harness adapters and nothing.

so, last nite i start looking at the wiring at the HU and everything looks fine. take it apart and when i unplug the speaker harness from the hu (or plug it back in) the speakers pop (except that one) like its grounding itself out. when testing lines, i tested both speakers on the left side and found that when i hook only one lead (pos or neg) up to the rear, it works....but both sound better than one. correct me if i am wrong, but isnt it only supposed to work with both leads hooked up? and i tinkered with it for some time and what i ended up doing was just running a temp. speaker cable direct from the HU to the driver door speaker. it works now, but its weaker than the rest....why could that be? do all 1st gens have an OEM amp that i dont know about? this isnt the eddie, this is my sport and i dont have the premium package or anything.

one side note, the aftermarket adapter harnedd that has the rect grey plug for power/etc and one square black one for teh speaker lines has a bent pin inside. it was brand new when inetalled but now one is bent and if i bend it back, it just goes right back to shere it was when plugged in. its on one of the lines for the rear left speaker....and dont forget that when i plug in or unplug that harness, the speakers pop. what the heck is going on?

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Yes, you may have a stock amp you need to bypass.

Sounds like either too much power or a grounding problem to me. Maybe the speakers are grounding themselves out against the mounting surface? Either that or they're too deep and the magnet is grounding them out against the enclosure.

they're not grounding out in the door becuse i tried them outside the door and it didnt change...unless one of the others is...but then why would only the one be out?

as far as power, i have no idea what the stock amp (if i have one) puts out. my speakers are rated 50wrms/150 max and my HU is 50x4, so i know thats not it. how woulod i tell if i have a stock amp other than tearing the truck apart, or do all explorers have it?

mabey a wire just got pinched somewhere ?

ok, so here's the scoop. i rewired that speaker and it works, wired directly to the HU. problem is, its now weaker than the other 3. so today, i decide to take a close look and test with another HU....and it works fine. do i switch back to mine and it works fine. must have been a pinched wire because it does work just fine now and i think i will leave that speaker wire in there just in case.
