Speed wants a SAS..... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Speed wants a SAS.....


Explorer Addict
March 14, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Bremerton, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer XL
Yes folks, you heard it here first...

I want to do a SAS on the Green Explorer.

I am looking for a Waggy D44 complete with the leaf springs....I will fabricate the mounts, and buy the High Steer....

Anyone here have a lead on one?


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leaf springs...jeep parts? Forrest has all the stuff for the early bronco 44 swap he wants to sell.

Ben....you got a PM...

It starts with an axle swap... it never ends after that. Go for it, I bent and broke alot of TTB stuff on other rigs before I started swaping everything out for dana 44's. Now I want a dana 60...


HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! Now all you gotta do is convince the wife that body damage is okay :thumbsup:


It's going to be a trail rig.....the body damage will be okay with her...kinda...LOL


My wife just found this thread....

...she said the damage will be okay, as long as she get's another Explorer of her own...



Okay....I still need a D44....I don't HAVE to get a EB...I can have a late bronco axle cut down...

Anyone with an opinion on who's parts I should run? ( Axles, hi-steer, springs)


i have a solution for your needs:D going to be swaping out the front end in my ranger, 4.88s with a trac loc, coils and steering, of course for the right price radius arms and trac bar could be included, shoot me a pm and we can talk:thumbsup:

PM sent..


i have a solution for your needs:D going to be swaping out the front end in my ranger, 4.88s with a trac loc, coils and steering, of course for the right price radius arms and trac bar could be included, shoot me a pm and we can talk:thumbsup:

You better get your parts rounded up for your other axle so you dont miss any wheelin trips...

I was thinking about having a build party.....I can tow the X anywhere...I have access to a Truck and Trailer from a friend if need be...



Nobody wants to do a SAS in a day?....It CAN be done...but I don't think anyone on EF has done it....I want to be the FIRST..Arrive in the AM with a D35 TTB, and leave that night with a D44 SAS...

Can anyone here set-up gears? The D44 that Forrest has is a 4.88, I still have 3.73's in my 8.8". If we were to do the SAS, can anyone here help me set-up the rear gears? My local 4x4 fab shop recommended Yukon Gears...

I can even do the rear on a different day if I need to....maybe even at someone elses' place...

I know if I get the axle from Forrest, Ben might come over and help....What about the rest of the NW contingent?

Kevin...you out there?
Josh S?


Hmm, Kevin is trying to put regular doors back on his rig so he can snow wheel without freezing, this weekend.

I don't have parts. tools or skills to be 'the man' .

The longest part of the SAS is getting the damn d35 and all of it's riveted bracketing off. Gears? Hmmm. Not a lot of experience with them, not enough to be comfortable doing a rear. Ben? Forest?

Hmm, Kevin is trying to put regular doors back on his rig so he can snow wheel without freezing, this weekend.

I am not playing with the doors til Saturday. That's why I was asking if the snow run was Saturday or Sunday.

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I am not playing with the doors til Saturday. That's why I was asking if the snow run was Saturday or Sunday.

We typically run on Saturday. Ben and Forest were taking their tow rigs up to the Greenwater area to hunt Christmas trees and we thought about throwing snowballs at them as we drove by on our way to Lonesome Lake.

With enough people, we should be able to rip out the D35 in 30 minutes :D

What are you planning for the rear Ryan?? SOA?
