Spongy Brake Pedal 06 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Spongy Brake Pedal 06 Explorer


Active Member
January 29, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Chgo, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
06 Limited 4.6 4X4
Help when I test drove the 06 Limited while negotiating I noticed the brake pedal spongy and was told it would be taken care of. When I picked it up it still was and they said it wasn't looked at (even though it was certified). Well 2 weeks later I brought it back and they said they looked at all the brake linings and rotors and everything looked good and that is how it is supposed to feel. It takes a good amount of travel to engage the brakes which when empty is fine but I occasionally tow a trailer (8K) and I want to have all the brakes I can get. I wondered if they need bleeding or is the master cylinder is kinda bad. What do you think? It had 21K miles on it when I got it one owner the only other issues I found out they had to address during certification was 4 new tires and a wheel alignment.


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I had a spongy brake pedal for the first 3k miles, on my '07 v6. It was one of those deals where it went almost to the floor on the first pump, but three more pumps and it was rock solid. I posted about it here, and someone responded that they had the problem. They said that sooner or later, it went away (or something like that). I wasn't sure I could believe that. Well, now I believe it...kinda. At 3k, I brought it in for the first oil change, and I swear to you that when I picked it up the brake pedal was much firmer...not at all spongy. I was going to call the service dept. and ask how that could be, but I hadn't gotten around to it yet. I'm actually sort of curious to know whether the vehicle's computers ever get "flashed" or updated during routine maintenance, especially if there's some sort of update or new version of some program or another. I don't know how much of the brake system is tied into the computer system, but since there's ABS, RSC, AdvanceTrac and all that other stuff, it's possible there's a bad line of code somewhere in the program. Just a theory. I'll chime back in when I'm able to ask what they did, if anything.

This usually relates to air in the system. The only other thing I could think of is that the brakes are new, and very smooth. They might have gotten a little rough as they were being broken in. This would make them feel a little firmer.

Ask them to let you drive another 07 and see if it is the same. My 06 V6 brakes feel good (to me anyhow).

I agree that spongy feel is almost always due to air. With ABS some systems can be tricky to bleed. Some vehicles require a certain type of scan tool to cycle the ABS and purge it of air. Do not know if the Explorer is one of them.

Kinda funny that yours needed tires and an alignment at 21K!?


Ask them to let you drive another 07 and see if it is the same. My 06 V6 brakes feel good (to me anyhow).

I agree that spongy feel is almost always due to air. With ABS some systems can be tricky to bleed. Some vehicles require a certain type of scan tool to cycle the ABS and purge it of air. Do not know if the Explorer is one of them.

Kinda funny that yours needed tires and an alignment at 21K!?

Yeah I don't know how the previous owner was on the vehicle but it has been trouble free for me so far.
