Starter motor/ ignition no start problem. | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Starter motor/ ignition no start problem.

Hello Fordexplorerguy1,
Thanks for the quick reply, I actually started with the simplest test of all once I got it jumped. I went to Autozone and they confirmed I have a bad battery. Since then I borrowed one from a friend and the truck starts right up no problems.
Thanks for the help!!!!!

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no problem i forgot to mention the battery :p somehow it slipped my mind... glad to hear that its running!

solved problem

i replaced the neutral safety switch which was next and advised by exployerguy1 and it solved the problem. as i mentioned i did have 12v at the solonid trigger wire but no current. this was the puzzleing part. thanks for the advise exployerguy1.

no problem. glad to hear you got it workin' now if i could just figure out why reverse and park got switched around...

Lol, Fordexplorerguy1 this is awesome! You pioneered a thread that is definately going to help me out tomorrow! Thanks again for making the post!
