Stic-o's Rear Bumper 2.0 | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stic-o's Rear Bumper 2.0

Call me crazy, but I just thought of an idea while looking at Aric's truck. Would it be feasible to build a light protector cage thing off of the tailgate instead of the bumper, so that with the hatch open you can remove the lights to replace a bulb or whatever? I don't know if the hatch even has enough structural integrity to support any large impact. :dunno: Just a thought.

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It need to be a part of the bumper, there is not enough strength anywhere else. Yes it will be a pain, to remove the bumper to change lights, but maybe I'll go LED and solve that:D

The whole idea is to make it so you can add a tire gate;)





can i get some measurement on that bumper

i never even thought about changing bulbs..... (smacks forehead)

5"x5" x3/16 Main piece is 60" then just weld the 5"x5" on the ends;) Dosn't get any simpler:thumbsup:

note: however the body sits about 1/2" different from one side of the frame...weird:confused:

note: however the body sits about 1/2" different from one side of the frame...weird:confused:

Pain in the ass when I made my sliders..

How is this coming? I'm making mine pretty much the same but skipping on the light protection.

I like!, are you going to add any kinda tire carrier to it?

I like!, are you going to add any kinda tire carrier to it?

Spare has to stay in the truck for now. I have 4" or so longer I can make the truck before it dosn't fit in the garage anymore.:( But it will be disgned like the above for two reasons.

1. Side protection
2. With the flat piece on both side I can easily weld in a spare tire gate with a douple hinge at a later date;) (when we move again, hopefully next fall and buy a house)

The reasons for the guards is more then just protecting the lights. The other reason is to set it up to build a spare tire gate again in the future. I can put the tire back on the back because of my garage is too small:(

It need to be a part of the bumper, there is not enough strength anywhere else. Yes it will be a pain, to remove the bumper to change lights, but maybe I'll go LED and solve that:D

The whole idea is to make it so you can add a tire gate;)


This is the internet, you cant expect people to read things! :D

Well, I decided with a run coming up, I should get those rear recovery point finally put in after all these years:rolleyes:

So here they are. A few hours of drilling and sawzall work and now just need to weld them up:D Going through two pieces of 3/16" was fun.


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lookin good very close to what i am wanting to do!
