stick-on wheel weights just made my "hate list" | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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stick-on wheel weights just made my "hate list"


Explorer Addict
February 6, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Levittown, NY (Long Island)
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Sport 4.0 SOHC 4x4
alright, with the design of my rims, i cant use clamp on weights, they have to be stick ons, and i just noticed that theyre already flying off and i just had them rebalanced about 6 weeks ago; wtf? i knew before i got the rims how the weights had to be, and i knew the stick ons were terrible, but this is ridiculous - its been 6 weeks and im losing them already, and since im at school, my truck just sits, i barely drive it up here.

conclusion: stick on wheel weights are the epitome of crap.

anyone know something that i dont about how to make em not fly off or something?


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Have the shop put the weights only on the backside (balance won't be as good, but you probably won't notice it), and have them epoxied on. You can get the epoxy off later with a little heat, as long as they aren't pastic coated rims.

thats where the weights all were, on the back side. the rims are clear coated though.

I had these wieghst on my 17" w/ 35's and was going through rivers and what not and never had a problem.

Originally posted by trckmagik
I had these wieghst on my 17" w/ 35's and was going through rivers and what not and never had a problem.

Yeah, I've had the same stick-on wheel weights on my Mach 1 for 2 years and one of my Talons had stick ons and I've never had a problem... Maybe your shop did a shoddy install job, didn't clean the wheels real well or something. I hate wheel weights on the fronts of wheels, so I always use the stick ons.

Originally posted by nosaj122081

Yeah, I've had the same stick-on wheel weights on my Mach 1 for 2 years and one of my Talons had stick ons and I've never had a problem... Maybe your shop did a shoddy install job, didn't clean the wheels real well or something. I hate wheel weights on the fronts of wheels, so I always use the stick ons.

the shop i took it to is actually the best alignment shop in my area, heh. those damn things just fly off, though; they stink and everyone knows it; anywhere you go and anyone you talk to will tell ya that theyll probably fly off. i just wish there was a way to keep em on there, but i guess not.

The rims should be wiped with a brake cleaner or a throttle body cleaner before sticking it in or for sure it with fly off. After doing this I cant even take the sticky tape off my rims. I have to use a blade to scrath it off.:exp:

Originally posted by Nonoy
The rims should be wiped with a brake cleaner or a throttle body cleaner before sticking it in or for sure it with fly off. After doing this I cant even take the sticky tape off my rims. I have to use a blade to scrath it off.:exp:

well, the tape is still on my wheels, but the weights are gone.

Must be a poor kind of stick-on-weights.:hammer:

Originally posted by Nonoy
Must be a poor kind of stick-on-weights.:hammer:

must be. im so annoyed. i mean, i love the guy i know down at the alignment shop (in the last year i gave him a lot of business), but its such a PITA to go back for something that really shouldnt happen, and its really not his fault either.

I know the feeling. I have a friend like that too and he is the one who gave me the weights in case I lost it.:exp:

TBOMB, make sure the wheel is clean of brake dust, road grime, etc. and after the weights have been stuck on, put a strip of duct tape over them. I've done this before and it really works. Just make sure there is no brake dust or the tape won't stick. i use rubbing alcohol to clean the wheel where the weights and tape go. Since the weights are on the inside you won't see the tape.

Originally posted by RTStork
TBOMB, make sure the wheel is clean of brake dust, road grime, etc. and after the weights have been stuck on, put a strip of duct tape over them. I've done this before and it really works. Just make sure there is no brake dust or the tape won't stick. i use rubbing alcohol to clean the wheel where the weights and tape go. Since the weights are on the inside you won't see the tape.

sounds like a plan. the next time i go home, ill have my wheels balanced again and ill clean em up real good and put some duct tape on there.


How did you notice that they'd fallen off in the first place?

Originally posted by Hartman
How did you notice that they'd fallen off in the first place?

thats a damn good question. heres the part where you either relate to me or you think im a loser (which i will not deny ;) .) i had to run out to get some cdrw's today and when i got out of my truck, i walked about 5' away and turned around to check it out (i dont get to look at my truck very often; i never drive it at school and its parked far from my apartment) and i noticed the tape on the inside of the wheel and walked up to it and the weights were gone, so i checked all the wheels, but it was only the driver side rear one.

Originally posted by tbomb

heres the part where you either relate to me or you think im a loser (which i will not deny ;) .) i had to run out to get some cdrw's today and when i got out of my truck, i walked about 5' away and turned around to check it out

I can relate. Sometimes I will even walk backwards a few steps while looking at it.

Alpha, they're little weights that keep the wheels aligned properly. On stock rims, they are usually clamped in the outer rim of the wheel. On custom rims, the stick-on ones are usually the way to go because you don't want the weights visible.

Originally posted by Hartman
Alpha, they're little weights that keep the wheels aligned properly. On stock rims, they are usually clamped in the outer rim of the wheel. On custom rims, the stick-on ones are usually the way to go because you don't want the weights visible.

yup, though the stick on ones SUCK! :p

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Great another problem I'll be facing.
How many go on each wheel and how much do they cost?

I'd imagine your pissed because you have to buy newones if you lost them tbomb?

Anyone have pics of these things?
