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Story of the 0001 Mustang


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
55 years later, the salesman who sold the first Ford Mustang built will be reunited with it - CNN

"The official launch date for the Mustang was April 17, 1964, but Tucker bought it on the 14th, according to Matt Anderson, curator of transportation at the museum.

With that in mind, Tucker made a deal with the dealership that he'd buy it but let it stay on the lot for display for a couple of weeks.

"We moved the car into the showroom that day," Phillips said. "He came in every day to check it out and make sure no one did anything to it."

Phillips still didn't know the importance of the model until a few months later, when there was a scramble to find out where the Mustang with serial number 5F08F100001 had gone.

"That vehicle was a preproduction and meant to be sent back to Ford," said Anderson."

There is much more in the full article. What I really find amazing is how 0001 wound up in Newfoundland of all places.

Dang Canadians can't follow instructions! LOL
It was supposed to be crushed!

I have the very first set of TMH made for a ttb truck.....Robert wanted them back, I was like "why" hes like "Im gonna cut them up" Im like "no, I promise I will never sell them" hes like "ok" so I gave them to my buddy JD and we used them on his 84 ranger build.... My story is alot shorter and less important, but to me it means about the same.

It reminds me about the story of the GM EV1. GM wanted them back to destroy them, and there was a lot of resistance. Instead of the company demanding them back, they should make people sign a liability waiver stating that they have known safety issues, and the owner is liable (not the manufacturer) in an accident.
