stuck lug nuts! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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stuck lug nuts!

My wheels haven't been removed in ages, more like decades. I managed to get all wheels off except one. The one (Driver side Rear) has two (2) lug nuts that will not come off...

I have tried: Cheater bar over my breaker bar (tweaked the breaker bar)
Shocking the lug nut and rim with a mallet & dead blow hammer. Not a single budge... And now the stock pot metal lug nut covers are rounding off...

So any advice would be appreciated!

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Get the lug nut covers off. They make half sized sockets that will aid in taking a lug off.

I'd try soaking them in a good penatrant. If that doesn't work try using a propane torch to heat them up, you dont want them to glow, just get hot. Then hose them down with a penatrant while hot so while they cool they work the chemicals threw the threads.

I also suggest replacing them (lug nuts and studs).

Update; I managed to get one off by heating it with a torch, using the breaker bar and a cheater bar then it popped off...

This last one is now rounded and smashed by attempting to do the above. I think its time to bring out the grinder...

The covers wont come off.. I've tried yanking on them with vice grips...
Ill try some penetrating spray while heating it right now. Thanks!

Did you completely remove the other lug nuts? You should bust them loose, then take them off once you jack it up. I'm surprised the stud has held up. Mine broke when my scrawny ass started jumpin on the factory lug but wrench

All lug nuts and the plastic center cover are off, I just have this one nut holding the wheel on. I'm only 130 pounds and I tried jumping on the lug nut wrench.. Nothing. Mind you I already tried using my 810 ft pound Impact!!

All lug nuts and the plastic center cover are off, I just have this one nut holding the wheel on. I'm only 130 pounds and I tried jumping on the lug nut wrench.. Nothing. Mind you I already tried using my 810 ft pound Impact!!

You shouldn't have removed the others till you broke all of them loose. I'm 130lbs but when I busted the stud I only weighed 115 lol I used the impact before jumping

Okay I've made progress! Cut a slit in the cover with a grinder, shoved a flat head screw driver in the slit and beat on the end of it.. this split the cover, I then smacked the screwdriver all around the cover until it came off. So now I got just the bare lug nut (18mm).

Now I tried heating up the lug nut and using a breaker bar and cheater bar to break it lose.. And now my Harbor freight breaker bar is at a 45 degree angle.... The lug nut did not budge...

Its like some one welded the lug nut on! This is madness!

Victory! Went out and bought a new 18mm 6Point 3/4 socket and breaker bar. Slapped a 4' cheater bar over it and SNAP! The nut broke loose! I ordered a whole new set of lug nuts but I'm looking at the studs and they all look pretty good and the lug nuts thread well onto them. It looks like a huge hassle to replace the lug nuts so I think I'm going to leave them alone.

Anyway thanks guys, Couldn't of asked for any better advice.


Impacts are for loosening, use a torque wrench this time. ;)

Oh yeah, and NO anti seize on lug nut studs. :D Good job! :thumbsup:

They may look ok visually but the studs do fatigue with stress. Bare minimum I would clean the threads and remember to never use anti seize on them due to a potential wheel off situation.

Impacts are for loosening, use a torque wrench this time. ;)

Oh yeah, and NO anti seize on lug nut studs. :D Good job! :thumbsup:

I meant, I attempted to use the impact for getting the lug nuts OFF

Why no anti seize on the lug nuts? Never heard of that one?

But thanks! I feel accomplished!:D

They may look ok visually but the studs do fatigue with stress. Bare minimum I would clean the threads and remember to never use anti seize on them due to a potential wheel off situation.

I will look into the studs; They're pretty cheap on Rock auto but looks like a very tedious task to replace them...

Can you elaborate on the no anti seize? I've been using Anti seize on studs for years!:eek:

When you do tight nuts, just barely break them all loose, don't' remove until all are loose.

A.S. is fine, just don't use too much. Give it 100lbsft or torque, with a T.W.

Most shops dont want you to use anti seize because it can cause lugs to back out over time. Out of being in an army shop, then going to the civilian side of things they dont want you using a ntiseize on lugs. Most automotive schools teach you to clean with a wire brush then properly torque.

Misuse of anything is bad, lots of people overdue the anti-seize. It doesn't take much to do what it's great for. But a little extra makes a mess on your hands and everything you touch it with.

Done right, the lugs will never loosen due to anti-seize. The original poster here can attest to what happens when nothing is used and over years they seize together badly.

Another downside to anti seize is it "lubes" the threads. Throwing off the torque reading slightly. For lug nuts, it ain't that serious.
Replacing studs is a pain in the butt. But I'd suggest it, just because the threads look good doesn't mean the stud is. Thread distortion and stud elogantion are no bueno

Im going to continue to use anti seize on the lugs, Ive never had problems with them losing torque. But just to be safe, I will check the torque often. The nice thing about a digital torque wrench is you can easilly tell if a bolt has came loose..

Thanks for all the advice! -Nick

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My wheels haven't been removed in ages, more like decades. I managed to get all wheels off except one. The one (Driver side Rear) has two (2) lug nuts that will not come off...

I have tried: Cheater bar over my breaker bar (tweaked the breaker bar)
Shocking the lug nut and rim with a mallet & dead blow hammer. Not a single budge... And now the stock pot metal lug nut covers are rounding off...

So any advice would be appreciated!
I just experienced the same problem on my wife's 2004 Explorer Eddie Bauer. Impact wrench wouldn't touch them after many tries at 115 pis air pressure. Front left wheel finally loosened after heating with a propane torch & impact wrench. For the rest of the on the remaining three wheels I used a four foot pipe on a breaker bar: took my full weight on the end of the pipe and a couple bounces ...

It is my opinion that dis-similar metal corrosion between the steel lug nuts and the aluminum wheels virtually welded the nuts to the wheels. I believe that aluminum anti-seize paste should have been put on the shoulder of the lug nuts (NOT the threads of the lugs ...) to eliminate this problem.
