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Super Loud systems


I fix dents
Moderator Emeritus
April 16, 2002
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City, State
Millersville , Maryland
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer Sport
I keep reading all these posts about how loud every body's system is I had to post this. I really hope every body will read it before blowing it off.
Hearing loss is ireversable. 110db for greater than ten mineuts is well beyond the risk treshold. If your ears ever ring after blasting you system , you have damaged your hearing. Period. If you are dumping that kind of money into your system you must love music. Take the proper precausions and ensure your self a life time of music enjoyment.
Lie#1 My ears are used to it. No you are damaged. You do not get "used " to excessive volume.
Lie#2 it is all sub frequency's that don't hurt as bad.
110db is 110 db reguardless of frequency.

I don't want to sound like some old prude. Don't get me wrong I love it loud too. I have worked in live sound for over ten years now. Music is my life and I want to hear it till I am in an old folks home. It is all in moderation folks. Use common sence and be careful. Tinnitus is a nasty condition that can be brought on by excessive listening volumes. Tinnitus is a constant ( 24-7 ) ringing or hiss in the ears. Or it could be worse, Once it is gone , it is gone for good.
Thanks for reading this and thanks for taking it to heart.

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I just want to second what he is saying.. I am one of the people he is talking about.... When I first got my car (honda) I just wanted it loud and was dumb about it. I had everything you can think of in there from 1 10inch to 4 12's, to the ultimate 12 10's... I realized what it was doing and sold off the 12 10's little by little. But now after too much bass, my hearing goes bad for 3-4 days and have even started bleeding before. Now I might listen to a loud stereo once week or so, but besides that it's my normal, everyday, stock stereo....

For all those who think it won't hurt..... IT DOES

Yes i agree and this here is a touchy subject. I want a loud system because i want to compete in competitions. I mean occasionally I am going to play it loud but not to the point where i cant stand to drive. Hell most of the systems around here are **** and my door speakers sound better. Thxs. for the advice mabe others wont agree but that is them. I just want to STROKE IT!

heard it all before, over and over and over. I dont mean to get offensive on the subject, but I'd say 90% of people who have a system (btw a totally stock system is capable of 110db I'd bet) know of this already "its their ears" as they often say, I'm sure the 10% that do not know this appreciate the warning, but.. dont worry about it.

currently the front speakers of my car are out (dead component amp) and I'm about to go CRAZY, a higher volume system today is the only way to drown out fart pipes and screaming systems from other cars.

Again, I'm not trying to be offensive, just presenting another side :)

HOWEVER, By the time you notice a signifigant loss in your hearing you're old and grey, and you've heard pretty much everything that people have to say. And as I recall, medicare does cover hearing aides.

i agree.....i love going to the drag races and hearing and smelling the nitromethane of cars running sub 6 second quarter miles..... i thought i was too good for ear plugs too... until the first, that shook my heart..and rattled my brain so hard that i wanted those earplugs before the next race to keep my brain from gushing out.....

I love thumping my system too, but I have noticed one ear can hear significantly better than the other.
My friend's father went to the Houston Rockets World Championship runs in 1994 and 1995. He lost about 25% of his hearing (according to the doctors) from those basketball games alone.
I always remember seeing loud metal bands, and every one of the concert goers had earplugs. For as dumb as some of the people looked/appeared, they were pretty smart

i want to definately agree with the original post. loud stereo systems are definately a dangerous luxury
i previously owned an 84 blazer with 9 jl audio 15's in a wall ten inches behind the drivers seat. it was capable of 140 db's plus. when i first tried to compete, judges would not even let me in the booth without hearing protection. and with the prices going down, it is more and more affordable for people to put 135 decibels in the trunk of their car and think it doesn't matter because they don't have loud tweeters. it still kills your eardrums. period.

Only 140 with 9 jl audio15's? It sounds like something was wrong there... What were you powering them with?
