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Sway Bar Bushing Replacement

Would the EE 98-01 Bushings and links work on a 96?

Got a bar (98-01) and didn't know the bars are actually different from the 96-97. Looks like it might fit but the bar is bent different near the end links.

Anyone ever tried this?

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I think they're different. For reference, the sway bar on my vehicle is 34mm

Just curious so I don't do something wrong. Do you need to jack the front end up to do this?

Depends how large you are and how high the truck sits.

I did mine without using a jack. I'm skinny and my truck sits a little higher than stock.

Just had the link on the drivers side break. Sister was driving it Monday did a u-turn in a parking lot and heard a loud pop that scared the you know what out of her. Got under there today since the brakes went out and saw the head of the link had sheared off.

So do I actually have to take the whole bar off to replace the links or can I just unbolt the old and put the new on?

You only need to remove/replace the endlinks. The bar stays on.

Just did mine the other day........WOW, what a difference it makes!

The old bushings were rock hard and one was split and squished out (hence the popping sound when I turned). Fortunately it is a southern truck and everything unbolted like clock work. The whole ordeal, including frame bushings, was about an hour.......and half of that was fighting with the sway bar to get it back in with only two hands......dang thing weighs about 20 lbs and is awkward to handle on your back.

Thanks to all for the great tips and write ups!!!

Is it possible to just replace the sway bar busings and not the links? Reason why im asking is because I have already replaced the links and I think the sway bar bushings are going because when ever the suspension dips pretty low, I can hear like creaking sound.

Yeah just take off the 4 bolts for the bushings and put the new ones in.

Ok great thanks. Im going to tackle that because it sure is getting annoying

I just replaced my 1995 Explorer's swaybar endlinks with the Moog equivalent last night, took it for a test drive and it seemed fine. This morning I got on the highway, and I get a death wobble at around 65. Should I get it re-aligned, or did I tighten the bolts too much or what? I'm taking the backroads home tonight and I'm going to try loosening the links.

I put them on with the wheels turned, as I had to grind off the old ones, and I'm wondering if maybe when the wheels were straightened it had an adverse effect.

Limited on time, so alignment wont get done til Monday... open to suggestions in the meantime?

I just replaced my 1995 Explorer's swaybar endlinks with the Moog equivalent last night, took it for a test drive and it seemed fine. This morning I got on the highway, and I get a death wobble at around 65. Should I get it re-aligned, or did I tighten the bolts too much or what? I'm taking the backroads home tonight and I'm going to try loosening the links.

Don't loosen up the links...
I am going to guess that you attempted to turn the wheels without the engine running, or with the wheel(s) in the air. Believe it or not that causes air to enter into the steering system, and the result of that is what you described. To stop the "DEATH WOBBLE" start the truck, take the power steering resevoir cap off and turn the wheels lock-to-lock up to as many as 10 times, watch for air bubbles and add appropriate fluid as necessary. That should fix your problem, if not come back and let us know.

That worked perfectly. Thank you! This truck has seen few miles, but it's always been outside and in the midwest. There's more rust underneath it than metal anymore.

Can you do this without jack/stands? I have them but if I can I'd rather do it in my driveway which is pretty steep so I couldn't use stands

EDIT- Sorry was reading the thread after it was posted.

EDIT2- I was on the Autozone site. With my truck punched in it showed 3 different bushing sizes. Can someone clarify why, my truck is stock 98 xlt SOHC Thanks.

Can you do this without jack/stands? I have them but if I can I'd rather do it in my driveway which is pretty steep so I couldn't use stands

EDIT2- I was on the Autozone site. With my truck punched in it showed 3 different bushing sizes. Can someone clarify why, my truck is stock 98 xlt SOHC Thanks.

Yes, but it is tight. Make sure you are on the high side in case the vehicle rolls. Use parking brake and wheel chocks.

Can't imagine why unless they were showing the frame bushings with the end link bushings........still should have only been 2 sizes.

Gives me an error when i try to open that link.

You CAN drive your expy without the sway bar. just be extra cautious as I hear it makes the front end kinda squirrely. If the parts store is close and you don't have to go over 45mph it should be fine........another car would be better.

This will let you match up parts to be sure you are getting the right stuff. Take an end link assembly with you and be sure to measure the diameter of the sway bar (for the frame bushings)........I think yours is going to be 34mm like my 2000 but measure to be sure. You could take a frame bushing with you too but if it is like mine they will be cracked and wallowed out of tolerance.

I drove my 99 Explorer for about 5000 miles before I found that the sway bar bolts were rusted off...and yes, it swayed. So, you can drive it.

The NAPA kit is the way to go...under $25 with tax, and using the pictures on page 1 of this thread, it was easy to put them on right. 30 minutes is what it took, and most of that was getting the rusted old nuts off the broken bolts.

"356" i did the same thing i drove around 350miles and then fount the bolt rusted off, and yes the napa sway bar repair kit is the way to go $22.59+tax. Thanks Gustav129 for the post.

just picked up my parts it came to $24.48 after tax and my new parts stayed at a 5/8 and did not change to a 11/16.

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Just got my sway bar links and frame bushings in the mail today. I'm replacing the majority of my front suspension and the parts will be trickling in over the rest of the week. I'm expecting a night and day difference in drive/ride quality since the condition of the current joints and bushings is really just embarrassing.
