Sway Bar end links???WTF! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sway Bar end links???WTF!


Well-Known Member
February 25, 2008
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2000 Explorer XLS
I was trying to get my sway bar end links off today and the lower bushings came off fine. The nut was on the bottom with the treads hangin down. The top bushings that are around the sway bar itself don't want to let go of the bar. The energy suspension kind that i just bought, have the nut slide through the shaft between the sway bar and the control arm. How to I get the top ones to let go of the sway bar?

Help Me!!!!!

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The top should come free. This is one of those cases where you might just have to go for the bigger hammer, or cut the bolt head off. ( If I understand what your saying)

i went for the bigger hammer and that bolt aint coming free. How do i cut the bolt head off?

Get both sides loosened first- then move the bar up a bit to get the lower part of the link out of the lower arm-this should allow you to wiggle it out-or at least give room for a cut-

If you only have one wheel in the air and one end of the bar loosened, the bar is in a bind--

get both front wheels up, on stands, and put the tires under the frame rails for safety-

i had the same problem..
i already tried clamping it down from both shaft and bolt head ends and it wouldnt budge or just keep on rotating..
solution = cut them off! dremel/grinder/sawzall/etc. it doesnt matter what you use but just cut it off completely..

i have an angle grinder, but it is more like a hardcore sander right now, do they sell metal blades for it? I need a sawzall really bad!! How much are they?

- I did what jtsmith said about raising the bar to get it out of the lower arms. But.... I didnt try to wiggle it, so tomorrow i will try it again. And also, am i supposed to have the wheels jacked up or can I have it sitting on all fours?

I clamped large vice grips onto the black sleeve. Then used a long breaker bar and socket to break the bolt free from the sleeve. Truck was on the ground in the parking lot at work during my lunch break.

On the other one, I used vice grips and an impact gun with the truck off the ground. Much easier.

remove the whole sway bar assembly by removing the main sway bar brackets then tap the links upwards and out with a rubber mallet or hammer..

it'll be a lot easier for you to work on it off the truck plus it'll only take a few minutes to take the whole thing out..

you dont need to jack up the car or anything..

i finally got them out by using my friends sawzall. I got Energy Suspension sway bar end links that are a tad bit shorter but they stopped the squeek i kept hearing when i would hit bumps. It is quiet and smooth now.:D

Sawzall. Especially cordless. One of man's greatest inventions! :D
