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Sway Bars taken off


Well-Known Member
July 8, 2008
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City, State
Sanford, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 XLT stock
Has anyone taken off their front sway bar on a first gen 4x4 X? and how does it ride? Because i took off my rear sw/b and it seams to ride a little bit better.

Well i took both sway bars off front and rear, my X rides alot better now. and it doesn't sway as much as i thought it would.

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I guesse mine are gonna stay on then. Cause I drive like an idiot.

X2 you wont be bothered too much with them off if you drive NORMALLY cough Seth!
But of course it will roll more when turning but you'll get used to it. I'd unhook them and see how you like it before you remove it completly. And remeber you can always make disconnects for them so you can unhook it when at the trails.

does taking off the sway bars make that big of diffrence on the trail? im trying to find some things i can do to mine to make it better on the trail, it has a 3 inch body life and a 3 inch suspenchin life already and im running 33x12.5 tires

the front flexes a good bit better without the bars.

does taking off the sway bars make that big of diffrence on the trail? im trying to find some things i can do to mine to make it better on the trail, it has a 3 inch body life and a 3 inch suspenchin life already and im running 33x12.5 tires
Yeah it helps, best bang for you buck is a locker if you want good trail performance.

For trail use, DEFINITELY disconnect the bars.

I ran my 92 for years without bars, and eventually made disconnects for the front bar for road use.

All you have to do is remove the bottom bolts and replace them with a 1/2" hitch pin (shorten the pin with a hacksaw). Instant and cheap disco's.

I had a little travel... :D


ok, that sounds good, i was wondering how to do that.. i will have to do that hopefully this weekend, as one of my projects, along with my bushings.. and f-150 coil seats..

Ive run mine with no bars and keep up with left lane traffic no problem. you just need to remember that theyre off, and above all remember that its a 5k lb suv, not a car

sweet, thanks, think ill have to try that out this weekend and drive around and see how i feel.

This is 2" spacer lift with no bars on a 30 degree ( I guess ) RTI Ramp. Somebody put a J**p in the way...


  • RTI Ramp.JPG
    RTI Ramp.JPG
    116.1 KB · Views: 279
  • RTI Ramp2.JPG
    RTI Ramp2.JPG
    104.8 KB · Views: 267

WHOA!!! That's only a 2"!!! Yikes. Makes me think......:D

Is that ONLY a 2" spacer kit and no BL?

No, 3 inch body lift, with 2" spacers, sorry. I just meant no suspension mods other than spacers and sway bars off. Its the '92 in my signature so you can see what's done to it.

X2 you wont be bothered too much with them off if you drive NORMALLY cough Seth!
But of course it will roll more when turning but you'll get used to it. I'd unhook them and see how you like it before you remove it completly. And remeber you can always make disconnects for them so you can unhook it when at the trails.

what do you thinks the most practical way to make a quick disonnect for them?

Just remove the lower bolts, and replace them with 1/2" hitch pins available from any hardware or farm-type store.

When you want to disconnect, pull the pins, swing up the links, and bungee them to the frame.

VERY simple.

Out back, just ditch the rear bar all together. Isn't needed with the leaf springs.

ok so im new too all this, what do you mean hitch pin? any pics? that would help me out thanks...
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It's called a clevis pin, it's a smooth shank with hole(s) in it to insert a pin. You only disconnect one side of the sway bar, undoing both doesn't help anymore than undoing one and it's a big hassle to tie the sway bar up. But I'll say it again, it helps but you'll quickly outgrow the minor increase, a locker is the next step for your rig.

ya i have been looking into the lockers, just cant afford it right now...saving up fot that tho
Posted via Mobile Device

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