Synchronizer - OHV Engine- 123mm or 132mm? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Synchronizer - OHV Engine- 123mm or 132mm?


Active Member
October 5, 2010
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Ford Explore Limited

I need to buy the synchronizer of my 1997 Ford Explorer 4.0 OHV Vin (X).
Can you help me telling you if buy with 123mm or 132mm?
I'll have to import and do not want to buy wrong.


The only way to be certain is to take out the one you have and measure it. Doing that will make the job easier when you put in the new part because you'll know what you're doing. Also, the first time you take it out it tends to be stuck. Taking it out the second time is easier.

The problem ... have not I the tool.
I thought I'd buy synchronizer + tool, before.
It is possible without the tool?

That depends on what broke on the old one. I strongly recommend getting the alignment tool. Here is a link with some information to get you started. You can use the search function of the forum to find more information as well.


Please note that thread was for the 5.0L OHV V8 engine. Not your 4.0L OHV so it does not apply. My mistake.
