Taylor wire number? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Taylor wire number?


Well-Known Member
March 24, 2003
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Niagara Falls, ONT
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Explorer Sport
I just bought a set of Taylor Spiro pro wires for my 97 sohc. I don't think they gave me the right ones, theres no way for them to plug into the coil pack. The number on the box is 76258, the ends need to plug onto a "nipple" where as the stock coil pack needs a prong like an extention cord to plug in. I hope somebody can understand what I mean. So whats the right part number? Thanks

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The part number on my box is 72619. Thats for Taylor 8mm Spiro Pro Series wires. They went on my 98 SOHC without a problem.

#72219 (red) fit my 99 like a glove. For 1997 to 2000 4.0L sohc.

#72619 are the blue set, same as above.

#76258 is for small block ford, over the valve cover. Were there 8 plug wires plus a coil wire in the box? Appears that you have the wrong wires.

All of the above #'s can be checked on summits website.

I bought a set of Taylor Wires from summit and only found 7 in the box, not the required 8. They overnighted me a new set.

V8BoatBuilder said:
I bought a set of Taylor Wires from summit and only found 7 in the box, not the required 8. They overnighted me a new set.

What P/N? Taylor splits up the Explorer 5.0s into different catagories. Is that because of the GT40 VS GT40-P spark plug angles?

I'm not 100% sure about the split in spark plug wires that happens in mid 97. One would think it's for the GT40Ps, but I ran Autozone crap 96 style wires on my P equipped 5.0 for a while. I decided to order the 98 ones, Summit P/N TAY-72623 (Blue). I never called Taylor, but I have a feeling the difference between the 96 and 98+ wires is the lengths of a few of them and possibly the boot angle at the plug. My wires are terminated in boots that come out from the plug straight for about 3", and then sharply bend 90 degrees at the wire connection. They fit well, and come with really nice headsheilds for 4 of the wires. I purchased DEI heatsheilds for the other four.

As for routing the wires, I used Moroso wirelooms with stainless standoffs that mount on the valve covers bolts. I'll grab a photo tomorrow. Looks really clean on the driver's side, but on the pass side I had to rig up a clip on the accumulator to clear the #4 wire from the EGR tube.

Here is an interesting thread:

Also: http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=73950&highlight=Taylor+Wires
