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Tellico pictures!


Well-Known Member
January 16, 2005
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2003 Ranger Edge
k lots and lots of pics. My off-road club ( went to tellico this weekend. There were 6 rigs originally. Me, Jeremy (xj hp44 front, 60 rear, spool front/rear, 37" mt/rs black), Jay (xj hp60 front, 10.25" rear, welded front/rear with 39" iroks, white), Geoff (xj on rusty's 8" long arm, 30/35, open front, LS rear, 35" bfg's, black), Bradford (xj, exo cage, 30/35, powertrax/lock-right, 36" iroks on trailready's, blue), and another 'yota on 8" axles, lock front rear on 33" swampers (i think?).

Friday we rode up trail 6 about halfway (it was getting dark and just wanted to get SOME riding in for the day) and Jeremy's radiator keep getting air pockets and would over heat. We kept bleeding the air out and it finally started running cool, and something in the drums in his 60 locked up on the way back to camp. So he didn't get to wheel at all on saturday. Crappy.

Saturday we rode through trail 5 and 9 and hit slickrock, then took trail 8 to trail 1 back to camp. On trail 9 before slickrock, Jay was making a 3 point turn (sharp curve on the trail) and pulled straight up an embankment, unloading the front end and pulled the u-joint of the caps on the front driveshaft. 10 minutes later we're good to go with new caps. He gets about 60% up slickrock, and the same thing happens, it would have happened again if he put more caps on it, so he pulled the front driveline and backed down. So he was done for the weekend unfortunately.

I crawled right up slickrock. The same spot where Jay broke his front driveline, I slid sideways and slammed the rear of my bed into a tree stump/limbs. It would have been alot worse If I didn't have the dovetail. There is a ledge right after slick rock, after which are 2 rocks making a v shape, then another verticle rock behind it, it was probably a 60* incline and it was covered in mud/melting snow. I tried climbing my tire on the left side of the dirt wall surrounding us to get traction, and it pulled my front end into the wall. I backed down some and lost my turn signal, it ripped my headlight out of its mounts, bent the original bumper brackets on the frame, and ripped off part of my grille. No biggy, but It was too slick so I had to pull cable, which I had to do for 2 other rigs that did not have a winch.

After we get back to camp, me and Bradford headed out on trail 2 (lower 2) to run through rock garden which was a PITA lol. Everything had a good 4-6" of sloppy mud on it and there every rock was bigger than my tires. Jay spotted me (thanks to everyone who helped stack rocks etc.) and we made it about 75% up unchallenged (minus the rear diff getting hung up on a few things, which is why I have that "ugly" diff cover). There is a split on the trail with a huge ass rock in the middle that you cannot climb. To the left is a ledge, muddy ruts, offcamber with a 2' rock on the high side that you have to bump it over (bounces you torwards the cliff on the lowside) or the right side is a left turning steep smooth rock, with a big pointed rock right before it that your pass rear tire will innevitably get hung up on. Everyone tried the left side and some made it after many tries (making it VERY rutted out for me) or had to pull cable. I decided to go on the left side, but my rear kept sliding into the pointed rock. This is where I was roasting tire, pretty fun spinnin 38" swampers on muddy rocks in 4-lo lol, smells good. I had to pull cable up the right side. When I got over the top it was already dark (me and bradford had to wait in line to go for about hour and a half) and I crawled right up the rest.

It was a fun weekend, my truck did well, I know what bugs need to be worked out now and what works with my setup.

With my trail-readys, I ran 6psi in the front and 3psi in the rear. I don't have any good pictures of it, but the other guys in the club have pics of the tire folding around rocks and pulling me easily up a normally difficult incline.

I have about 150 pictures of my own, and will post the other pics from my club when they are uploaded onto our site.

Too many pictures from photobucket.

Here's the slideshow of all the pics.

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Looks like a lot of fun. :thumbsup:

Thanks for the post and pics It looks like you guys had a cool trip with minimal breakage... At first the rigs looked way overbuilt for the terrain, but that boulder field was HUGE :eek: and lesser vehicles would have be strainded by the wayside... The slick-rock was correctly named as it takes a special rig and driving techique to conquer it.. :cool:

Exceeded bandwith. Can't see any of the pics.

looked fun! :thumbsup:

strange how u guys in GA got snow, but here in MD, there was nothing :mad:


looks like lots of slipping and sliding... great pics! :thumbsup:

that white XJ is sick!

What was with the tow strap on the Heep? or is that one of those heep things I wouldnt understand? lol j/k

Lol I had to winch him up ledge about 60% of the way up, then let him try the rest of the way but just incase he left the strap hooked up so he wouldn't have to get it back out.

IZwack said:
strange how u guys in GA got snow, but here in MD, there was nothing :mad:
Trust me, in our area of GA, there wasn't any snow. Tellico (where he went) is way up in the mountains of NC.

Ahaha oh right, thats still south of MD tho :( the weather this year has been very odd - a little on the warm side.

I wish I could have said that this weekend! The high was around 40 something and low, at night was well below 30.

Same when I was up there after Thanksgiving. During the night, it was around 20*

looks good. that place is a freaking mess when it is wet. I wrinkled about every square inch of sheet metal on my rig.

Cool pics!
