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Test Drivers Wanted

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Email sent...:thumbsup::exp:

email sent. I would like to get in on this as it would give me a reason to drop the tranny pan and replace the fluid and filter again.


does trans milage matter? I'm on my second trans, after the first one disinegraded 2nd or 3rd gear(can't remember which now:rolleyes:) trans #2 is only about 30-35k miles on it and already acts weird sometimes:rolleyes:

Mileage doesn't matter. We're trying to get a mix of vehicles, drivers, locations, etc., to make sure our part works everywhere.

how long before everyone here got a response, i sent an email over 30 hours ago and haven't heard anything back yet. I actually think my email may not have sent, as i routinely have problems with it

I got an e-mail back I'd say within 3 minutes of sending them an e-mail

just sent another email, hopefully this one works

Mileage doesn't matter. We're trying to get a mix of vehicles, drivers, locations, etc., to make sure our part works everywhere.

A mix you say, I think I'm being left out because my usage is for work, and I don't have any symptoms currently. It's okay, I understand that and still look forward to the results. Regards,

I use my truck for just about everything.... I wonder if they even got my emails and jsut don't wnat to include me. I don't know if I have ever had a 2-3 flare, as I am not sure what it is or consists of. I have had a SSC code and that was recently replaced with a TECHPACK unit

well i'm entering, but i may be too late :(.

i wish i had checked this sooner lol. oh well :)

I sent an email 3 days ago, and didn't get a response yet. Let's see what happens by the end of the week. The company is probably closed over the weekend. They are probably getting flooded with emails too.

I sent an email 3 days ago, and didn't get a response yet. Let's see what happens by the end of the week. The company is probably closed over the weekend. They are probably getting flooded with emails too.

same here.......hoping for a response this coming week...my '99 ranger has had the "flare" for about 2 years. I've learned to expect it, but when somebody else drives the truck I just know they will rip the tranny out. :thumbdwn:

A mix you say, I think I'm being left out because my usage is for work, and I don't have any symptoms currently. It's okay, I understand that and still look forward to the results. Regards,

If the fleet test coordinator hasn't notified that you haven't been selected, then you may still be in. Last I checked, we didn't have all 15 of the participants we were looking for, so I don't think we were excluding any applicants yet.

Actually, we are also looking for a few vehicles that don't have any symptoms. We want to make sure that the performance of these vehicles with our parts is just as good as it was with the OE parts.

i am going to e-mail them once i get home don't have access to my e-mail from work

I sent 2 emails, and have not heard back yet, I am not experiencing any issues at the moment, but I need to get under there and change the filter and fluid again, but don't want to do it unless I know for sure I am or am not included in this (don't want to drop the pan twice).


Drop the pan Dan, that ATF bath is good for you. I'm headed to a funeral this week so I'm not close to doing my final VB work yet. Regards,

I got their email today, and emailed their liability waiver back to them. It says that you will receive the $100 at the end of the test after you send their survey back to them. It seems that you get the $100 after the testing is complete. They ask for updates after you drive 50, 100, 500, 1,000, 2,000, and 10,000 miles. So basically you send the survey back to them after you drive all of these miles. Some people could put these miles on in a short period of time while other people may take a couple of years to put these many miles on.

Drop the pan Dan, that ATF bath is good for you. I'm headed to a funeral this week so I'm not close to doing my final VB work yet. Regards,

I got an email back today. Looks like I will be doing it relatively soon. The last time I did it I got the bath twice because I did the superior shift kit and didn't hook the manual link up. I still remember showering with gojo.... Even with the pumice, it makes a good shampoo...


I should be able to complete 10k miles in 3 months or so of doing that.

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I've heard nothing, guess I didn't fit the criteria.

story of my life...volunteer and never get picked...lol.

once, I signed up for a diabetes trial study, but when the final cut came, my diabetes was not bad enough for the new drug test !?! :eek:
