Thanksgiving 2023 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Thanksgiving 2023


DIY stunt double
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Elite Explorer
June 16, 2003
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Humboldt, KS
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2000 Mounty

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Happy Thanksgiving!!! Enjoy it!! Be safe…
Spent the morning 4 wheeling on the property in fresh snow, now I have the Turkey fryer loaded and we are headed to the parents. Later today I get to come home and start a long 3 day weekend wrenching on the 07! Life is good

Thanks to all of you guys here at ef!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our great members.

I've been preparing the turkey and stuffing as usual, while Char takes care of the side dishes.

Our little family gathering is shrinking. First Grandma passed, then dad. Now mom and Char are the only family members left in Arizona. :(

Mom can no longer drive out to our place for dinner, so we bring the entire feast to her. This year she is inviting two of her friends, which will be a nice addition.

Watching Trains Planes and Automobiles while the Turkey is cooking. :D

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Drove from SF to Omaha, Ne to see my mother (and get a copy of all her papers and signed onto her bank accounts). We are headed home tomorrow on West I-80.. 3 day drive to/from Omaha. SF to Wendover, UT then Cheyenne, WY

Headed home Friday AM.. Snow storm in Cheyenne today.
