The All New Goodyear MT/R is here | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The All New Goodyear MT/R is here


Any mud terrain wouldn't be the best choice for the snow.

Got me! :D For some reason I forgot this was an MT, but I didn't know that either about the snow... Will stick with an AT... Thanks! :thumbsup:

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...Donner, read my reply above mounty71's...;)

...MT's and MT/R's are great in the deep snow...Where they have problems is on wet/icey siping for traction...

Got it...

...I would get them the BFG All Terrain A/T KO tires...That's what I run on my Ranger and have run on every truck since the 70's...Great tire...:biggthump

:dpchug: Thank you!

Any mud terrain wouldn't be the best choice for the snow.

actually you got it turnd around. If that was true I would have got Mud terrains. All terrains are what you want for the snow. There has been many discussions about this already so im going to stop here.

edit im retarded, i read it wrong.

They are sweet! Would they be worth the money? Someone is moving to Chicago :shifty_ey (not me) and will need better tires... would these be good for Chicago Winters?

Mud tires = very poor on snow/ice. The reason being MT are designed to be self cleaning tread with wider gaps so they maintain traction in the mud. For snow you want more side to side sips to increase the "Grab" of the tire, which is the opposite of the goal of a Mud tire.
Now they would probably handle well in deep snow, but unfortunately Snow and Ice come at the same time.

...I would get them the BFG All Terrain A/T KO tires...That's what I run on my Ranger and have run on every truck since the 70's...Great tire...:biggthump

I agree with you! The BFG AT TA KO's are by far the best value, also when you buy a new set it's easy to resell your old tires if they have tread on them still as they are SO SO popular and beloved by off-roaders.
I've put 5 Goodyear AT's with silent armor on 3 fleet vehicles so far, and with only 5k miles on them they have ate thru 50% of the tread on 60k tires. So needless to say I stay away from Goodyear as far as AT or MT.

...Just to avoid going any further and starting another tire discussion thread...:p:

...And now back to our previously scheduled thread, "The All New Goodyear MT/R is here "...

Cool! :) Thank you...

I live just South of Chicago, a couple months ago we had 8 inches dumped over night and about 16 in 3 days time. I drove to work 40 miles on non-plowed roads and towed a Blazer out of the ditch with the BFG's on my explorer while it was coming down and I didn't have a single problem driving through 6 inches of fresh powder on the road.

...Is that for the new MT/R and does it include mount and balance???

..:scratch:...Thought sounds a little cheap...:dunno:

...Is that for the new MT/R and does it include mount and balance???

..:scratch:...Thought sounds a little cheap...:dunno:

Cheap? I paid $160 a tire for 33x12.50 interco's.. and BFG AT's are only $10 more or so.. that was a little over a year ago..

thats the big reason I don't run the goodyears.. too expensive for what they are and what I need..


Isn't there a new guy from tire rack here maybe he has more info on them.

...When I bought my 2 BFG A/T-32x11.50x15's for the trip to colorado in the Ranger, and after pricing them for a month, they cost me $400 bucks...$200 bucks each for athe BFG's I thought was High (mounted and balanced)...I would guess the All new and improved MT/R would be priced a lot higher to start with..:dunno:

...Needless to say, after my Crown King trip I need 2 more BFG A/t's ...:(

...I left a post in Tirerack's thread as mentioned previously and included a link to this thread...It doesn't look like he's been on for a few days...

My total out the door price for truxes MT was $760 for 4, installed.. not sure if balacing was included.. I didn't have them balanced.. but that was installed...

that comes out to $190 for 4 installed 33x12.50 tires.. When I looked at the goodyear MTR (not new style) they were well into the $200 range for the raw tire..

As far as tires go.. I "think" I'd like to see the old tread design, non directional with the new sidewall.

We have run directional tires before.. they may work better in one direction, but will suck in the other.. Thats how the Yokohama Geolanter MTs were.. Also, they wore faster since you can only rotate them front/rear... no 5 tire rotation or even side to side..

You can see how directional the geolanders were.. and they really sucked in reverse..

I'll never run directionals again..


...When I bought my 2 BFG A/T-32x11.50x15's for the trip to colorado in the Ranger, and after pricing them for a month, they cost me $400 bucks...$200 bucks each for athe BFG's I thought was High (mounted and balanced)...I would guess the All new and improved MT/R would be priced a lot higher to start with..:dunno:

...Needless to say, after my Crown King trip I need 2 more BFG A/t's ...:(

...I left a post in Tirerack's thread as mentioned previously and included a link to this thread...It doesn't look like he's been on for a few days...

Ouch, I can get those BFG's for $166 each mounted and balanced at Farm and Fleet in Illinois. Also in April they are going buy 3 get 1 free. I run 235/75/15's until I put a lift on my explorer and it will cost me $125 each so $375 for a full set.

I don't like the idea of the directional pattern on the Wrangler M/Ts. And every set of wranglers I have dealt with have very poor tread life.

...If I had money I would buy 4 at a time and I know I miss out on the buy3 get 1 free deal, so I buy in pairs...:(

...Tire price's always fluctuate with gas prices...They are a petroleum based product...;)

...Just for fun I just looked at tireracks website...

My 32x 12.50x15BFG a/t's are ...= $156

A 35x12.50x15 BFG A/T..... .......= $174
A 35x12.50x15 (old style) MT/R ...=$185

...Shipping though would be another $215 for 4...:(

A 35x12.50x15 BFG A/T..... .......= $174
A 35x12.50x15 (old style) MT/R ...=$185

...Shipping though would be another $215 for 4...:(

At that price the Goodyear are much more attractive (old ones).. still not sold on the new ones though. I'll have to check out desert rat and see if they have any in yet.


Any idea when the next gen ATs comin out? And if this is a stupid question, or asked many times already, please forgive my ignorance, Im new to the 4Wheelin world :D

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... Old model MT/R..

...This is the new model...

...Based on the 2 pics above, I would only buy the older style...;)

...The new tire looks like it has a narrower footprint, the lugs are inside the tire area as opposed to the old style where the lugs project out for grabbing, and the sidewall has a design for looks, not for traction...:(

...The new tire reminds me of the Pro Comp Xtreme...:dunno:
