the official "back in the gym" thread | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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the official "back in the gym" thread

Thank you jasonb! It bugs me how people get hung up on bench presses. If you are a powerlifter, then thats fine. But for a BB #'s mean absofukinlutely nothing!

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LOL it has been so long since I set foot in a gym. Let alone had any clue how much I could lift. I know I can sling my pack easily enough when in the back country, and I can usually lift anything that I need to lift. Suppose that's good enough. Of course I won't embarrass myself with a pic of my beer belly, but I suppose I could post a pic of very dispropotianately large calf muscles. Better yet, think I'll pack that afore mentioned pack for tomorrows adventures.

Well I have been back in the gym 3-4 times a week and my progress is good.

From an ex-powerlifter with a serious back injury I doubt that I will ever see my Bench at 435 lbs ever again or a squat of 700 or deadlift of 750. By the way those were all bests for me when I competed on my Base powerlifting team in the Army. Man that was gravy duty. My only job was to be in the gym 3 times a day and our coach set our workouts for us. He had my triceps like 3 times the size they ever were. He believed that you needed monster triceps to master the bench.

Well anyways I have a before pic but I wont post it out of shear embarassment. But when I get to my after I will post both of them for the Shock factor.

Just to say this I have 100 pounds to loose. But I also know that in loosing this much I can also build back some great muscle size.

I am doing 90# dumbell presses inclined, man do they suck.

Originally posted by Brandon4AU
LOL anyone else have a thread they want me to kill?
LOL! This is the funniest thing I heard all day. Thank you! :D Anyone else got the cojones to put their buff pictures up or are we just all talk? ;)

Im getting a digital this week. I will host the pics at IM and link them in this thread if wanted :)

This was me last night at the gym, crappy pic with my phone. I was going to smile but I was to tired. Im slowly showing signs of improvment and size.

Oh man, I know for sure Premier's picture is gonna be awesome.

Check out Tex! You ain't too shabby either! Whooo hooo. Keep 'em comin'! :cool:

Tex has that X shaped body, but why is he all red?:D

Why does it work when I post it but turn into a red X after a while??

either imagestation doesnt allow remote linking or you need to be a member there to see it

Originally posted by Premier
Im getting a digital this week. I will host the pics at IM and link them in this thread if wanted :)

Everyone watch out Captain American is going to put us all to shame!!! joking man well kidda:p :D

Originally posted by Rx4phun
Everyone watch out Captain American is going to put us all to shame!!! joking man well kidda:p :D

You'll see how much of a joke it is when I am actually in blue spandex :eek: hahaha

This thread makes me want to go out myself just thinking about how good of shape I was in at one point. I just need to get over the hump of actually going out and doing something. I'm determined...I'm going to go out running this evening. I went into the doctor and it was a bad number to another 10 lbs. I'm just glad that it's cold here for the most part and that I still can wear jackets and stuff to cover up. And ski masks.

Hmmm, i have had a mixed background of lifting/exercising in general. In 10th and 11th grade I was on the football team. We worked out for 2 hours a day everyday all year round. Then in the summer we ran everyday....alot. My senior year came around and i was tired of football, but still enjoyed running and being "fit". So i joined the Cross Country team. Well to make a long story short, at the end of the season I was running the 5K in around 20 minutes. Which i think is pretty good for someone that is 5'9" and weighs 195lbs. During that we ran like 7 miles or more on distance days, every other day we would do sprints and stuff. Today, around a year and a half later, I can still say that I am in shape. I have not run in about 2 months or so, due to the cold weather, but I still lift with my brother around 4 times a week. My numbers are ok i guess, i dunno i havent maxed since 11th grade but i do bench about 190 on a shorter than olympic bar and curl around 85lbs, just for some random numbers.

Here is a pic of me in june with my CC shirt on....

Since Premier is too shy to post his own picture, I'll do it for him. This is me and him at the Arnold Classics.



edit: fixed link.

edit to edit: what the hell is wrong with this link? :mad:

Wow i killed that thread. But yea anyway, that picture wont work unless your a member that is logged in.

i just signed up at balleys gym two weeks ago. i actually enjoy going! not only is it fun lifting weights and such, but the whirl pool is worth the 28 bucks a month all by itself. two things ive noticed tho that i dont like?

1- the oliptical trainer was designed by hitler and satan, as a group project.

2- a lot of old, fat men go to the gym, apparently just to walk around naked in the locker room. you never see them out in the actual gym, and they never wear any clothing what so ever.

I started swimming competitevly when I was 11. I continued to swim thru high school and college and enjoyed success at the national level with regard to my events. I didn't become really involved with weight-lifting till the summer before my senior year---I just wanted to get real strong for my last year of swimming. When my swimming career ended, I continued to lift---hard, and did quite a bit of cardio (nothing like swimming, but a lot with regard to most guys who 'just lift'.) Since my Sr. year, I've put on 22 pounds of muscle (I'm 187lbs) and am more ripped now than I was when I was competing. It's amazing to watch your body grow! When I swam, I was purging close to 2500 calories a day---I could never understand why I wasn't getting any bigger albeit lifting and working out everyday in a college sports program. Now that I don't swim, all those calories go right into my muscles. I LOVE to lift and work out---maintaining my body gives me such a sense of satisfaction and pride. I've watched a lot of my old teamates let their bodies go to hell since they've been outta college. Not me.....I agree with what everyone's saying: it's hard to get back IN to it, so try not to fall out in the first place. :D

Originally posted by FourXFred
2- a lot of old, fat men go to the gym, apparently just to walk around naked in the locker room. you never see them out in the actual gym, and they never wear any clothing what so ever.
Wait 'til they try to start a conversation with you while they're naked. :eek:

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Originally posted by FourXFred

2- a lot of old, fat men go to the gym, apparently just to walk around naked in the locker room. you never see them out in the actual gym, and they never wear any clothing what so ever.

I'm glad to hear that this isn't an isolated incident! For a while there, I thought it was only in my gym!
