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the official "back in the gym" thread

bhults sounds like you are quite accomplished but let me just give you some advice, 2500 cals is just not even two of the 4 meals a day I eat. If you want to gain more mass you must have the calories there. at 187 I would shoot for at least 4000 if not a few more. Just some friendly advice from someone who likes to seem muscles grow

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Originally posted by X~FACTOR
Since Premier is too shy to post his own picture, I'll do it for him. This is me and him at the Arnold Classics.



edit: fixed link.

edit to edit: what the hell is wrong with this link? :mad:

See what happens when you try and post fake picts! :nono: hahaha

Rx4phun, glad to hear you share the same interests! I couldn't agree with you more on upping my calorie intake. When I was referring to purging calories, I was pointing to a time in my athletic career where I was always at the pool, and working out, and not eating as much as I could have been. I don't think I'm eating as much as I could be NOW either. Thing is, I'm rarely hungry---I mean, I eat 3 healthy squares a day and snack here and there, but I don't have a huge appetite. This is really working against me. While 187lbs is a big gain for me, I'd like to be at 195lb by June. A buddy of mine (who's huge) keeps telling me to eat and eat---even when I don't think I can anymore. It's tough though and my line of work doesn't make it easier. To up it to 4000 c/day, what do you recommend as far as meals, times, substance? I'm big into veggies, fruits, and any proteins (even fish, love it!). Any advice/suggestions would be more than welcome. Thanks bud.

Im not Rx, but here is a sample meal plan for 4k a day. You need to eat more often. Anywhere from 5-8 times a day. I eat 6 times a day. If you dont have time to prep this stuff, just say, and I can post my meal plan(4660) cals a day.

8 egg whites
2 whole eggs
1tbsp. flax
1c oatmeal

12:00m2 (post workout)
2 scoops optimum protein
1 scoop creatine (with ALA)

8oz chicken
11oz sweet potato (or two shredded wheat biscuits)

1 can albacore tuna
1tbsp flax
steamed broccoli (or green beans)

2 turkey burgers
2 pieces of whole wheat toast (or 1 whole wheat thomas english muffin....almost the exact same macro breakdown as the bread)

prolab lean mass matrix MRP
2 shredded wheat biscuts

1.5c cottage cheese
1 apple
sometimes another thomas whole wheat english muffin if hungry

12:00m8 2 scoops optimum protein 1 scoop creatine (with ALA)

Also, if hungry throw in more apples during the day and/or cashews and peanuts.

Hitting about 4000cals every day

I was interested to see if you'd chime in anyhow, Premier...thanks. With your egg whites, how are you preparing them? Do you hard boil, peal and eat...or do you shell them out, then fry em up in a pan? Good thing I like apples, LOL. Yeah, veggies I don't think, will be a problem---my mom's a fanatic with veggies, and it's almost all we eat (my dad's cholesterol's high). What is ALA (I see it after your creatine intake)? Also, what rule do you follow for your protein intake (ie: how much)? Do you stick to this diet 7 days/week---what do you do as far as cheating/going out to eat/etc.? I stick to a very healthy diet, I just need more of it---so the more ideas I have the better...from the looks of yours, I may have to do all of my prepping the week before, or at least a few days at a time and carry a bigger lunch box. I need to pick up some more protein powder too----do you have any specific recommendation? I'm looking for anything that tastes semi-good, and delivers 25-30g's a serving. I lift real hard, so I'm thinking diet is going to be key to my growth. Thanks again for your help, man.

Sostenon 250 and Reforvit B both help increase appetite. :D

^lol :nono:

bhults-- Check for protein. Its the cheapest place around. I recommend the isolate, because it is a "cleaner" protein than just whey. Also that diet above is not mine :) ALA is Alpha Lipoic Acid. In addition to a good anti-oxidant, it also serves as a creatine transport. You can get ALA and any other supps from I recommend bulknutritions brand ALA. It has dextrose added to help post w/o creatine transport.
My protein intake is much higher than others. I am bulking right now, so I am anywhere from 2-3grams per Lb of body weight. Anywhere from 1.5-3 grams is plenty for building muscle.
Here is my diet, and I eat this 5days a week. I will normally eat fish, red meat, veggies and potatoes on the weekends.
Here are my daily calories. They are never below this, but sometimes go higher. I forgot to add the cottage cheese... And I didnt add tuna because I didnt eat any for the last few days

9am: 1 1/3cup oats, 3tbsp honey, 14oz. milk(200 from oats, 180 from hiney, 200 from milk)
10:30 GYM
12:00 Swole V-2(at Gym), Post w/o ALA/dextrose, glycerol fuel
12:15 3 scoops ON whey protein(330 from protein, 200 from milk)
3:15 "Mudge Meal" #1, apple(1000 cals, dont know how many cals apple has )
5:30 "Mudge Meal" #2(1000 cals)
8:30 "Mudge Meal" #3, apple(1000 cals, dont know how many cals apple has )
10:30 2cups cottage cheese(forgot oops!)
12:00 3 scoops ON whey, then right to bed.(330 from protein, 200 from milk)
So a total of 4640cals a day. Well actually more, but thats pretty close.

Each "Mudge Meal" has 3 cups cooked brown rice, 2 large chicken breasts, and 1 cup spaghetti sauce.

If you really want to get into BB check out :)

Originally posted by james t
inside joke, sorry. ;)

Haha, I know ;) Its just that bhults and others probably dont. Plus Reforvit B is for horses LOL

I started gettin back in the gym put on some weight and hopefully i can put on 20 more up to 163 now.....



just some in progress stuff...add on 10 more pounds of mostly muscle and thats what i am at now....most of my friends tease me and tell me that i was just born that way......(being pretty cut and all) but it takes a good amount of work too

I cant do the whole calorie counting thing. I eat so much its not even funny, but I stay at the same wieght all the time. When it starts getting warm out I will start running again to get rid of some of the winter weight around the midsection. Other than that I dont limit myself to how much I eat. I just dont eat ANY candy at all or dont drink ANY coke at all. Its just water and tea.

Playa, you need to pull your pants up, there falling off:p

Originally posted by Texplorer
I cant do the whole calorie counting thing. I eat so much its not even funny, but I stay at the same wieght all the time. When it starts getting warm out I will start running again to get rid of some of the winter weight around the midsection. Other than that I dont limit myself to how much I eat. I just dont eat ANY candy at all or dont drink ANY coke at all. Its just water and tea.

Playa, you need to pull your pants up, there falling off:p

The funny thing is, I bet if you DID count your calories, you would be suprised... Obviously you arent eating enough often enough if your not gaining weight. Your at maintenance calories, thats why when you throw in a bit of cardio, you loose weight.

Originally posted by Texplorer
Playa, you need to pull your pants up, there falling off
LMAO!!! :D :D :D

I wish I could have his body fat percentage. DaYum!

Thanks Premier...

...for all of your help. Eating that much is definately going to be an adjustment. You say you're buking now---I have a friend who will bulk for x amount of weeks, then "cut." His body composition seems to fluctuate SO much. I'm a pretty lean 187. Can I still make the gains I want to with a lean, protien/calorie rich diet and not gain to much fat? I mean, I wanna grow, but I don't wanna put on unnecessary weight (ie: fat), which I see happen to my friend everytime he bulks. I checked out those websites. I see All-the Whey's Isolate formula is more expensive, but if it's better, I guess it's worth it--how's their vanilla? Also, I registered on IronMagazine's forum, which looks like it's something I'll be able to get a lot of information out of. Thanks for your help, and keep any advice/info coming. ;)

Premier, I know it sounds weird but I do eat way to much than I need to, I mean at any meal I will finish my plate and the plates of everyone there also. And then I will eat another meal before the next meal comes around:confused: I probably eat 5 full meals a day. But I guess my matabolism is working overtime, or I have a worm:eek:

See the wind was blowing so hard that my pants just fell down a little and the next thing u know someone was taking a picture....almost looks like i was posing..... :rolleyes:

Originally posted by HotCtyPlaya
See the wind was blowing so hard that my pants just fell down a little and the next thing u know someone was taking a picture....almost looks like i was posing..... :rolleyes:
I just thought that you were so skinny that they fell down? hahaha :p

bhults-- Well, it depends. First you need to find your maintenance calorie levels. Then when you bulk, just up the calories by 300 or so every week, untill you start to see too much fat. Once that happens, just cut the cals back a little. That should help you to not put on too much fat. Plus you need to bulk clean. No icecream, donughts, candy etc. I am keeping my fat down by eating brown rice, and chicken! yumm...

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hey everyone. just thought id chime in on this. im a freshman in college, been working out for about 5 years, no supplements or calorie counting ever, just 3-4x a week workouts. last time i checked body fat it was around 7%, i weigh 145. on bench im doing 3 sets of 8 with 145. yea thats kinda small numbers but im kinda small so thats cool. maxing something like 200-205...400, yall are crazy.
