the official "back in the gym" thread | Page 8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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the official "back in the gym" thread

I'm doing it because I'm going into law enforcement. Sure it's great to be in shape for health reasons but in my field, strength is also important.

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Texplorer said:
Well thats about disgusting. Can I ask how many of you guys are actually doing this for your health and well being. Or is it mostly just a, want to look good for the girls thing. Heres an easy way to answer that question if your having trouble. Do you have a leg workout also? Cause if you dont, your just in the gym for looks. I see it all the time, people in there just doing upper body, hell just doing chest and arms.

Leg day is my favorite day. I dont give a **** what women think, I am doing this for myself. If a girl comes along and likes what she see's, then thats all the better.

Leg day is my LEAST favorite but I NEVER skip on it.

I do it for looks. Being strong and healthier is just a bonus for me. As for being big, I'd be happy if people could recognize that I work out when wearing a really thick sweater. ;)


You want to look like Jay, dont you? LOL


I saw a pic of Jay next to Coleman in a magazine yesterday and Coleman is just HUGE. HUGE.

Yea, Ronnie is a monster. Jay is pretty huge though. This is from the Olympia, and as you can see Jay came in flat.


Resubmitting to thread - typical each yr I bail for one reason or another but this yr is different. Feb and I am still going this time I am starting everyday with aerobic low impact ini the morning to get my day off right.

Mine is for health reasons - and I am finding that setting goals works best for me to stay motivated, plus my wife is helping to motivate me and make sure I exercise every morning. But I feel much more comitted this time and even exercise on the mornings when she is off and wants to sleep in. As easy as it would be to sleep in myself I have yet to cave in.

I am also doing a journal and hopefully in a year or so I can share it with you guys and others. For those that have met me in person you know I am a big guy, but my goal is for a major change in a year.

I'm feeling so good I am going to exercise now instead of going to bed.

The 2 things that have changed for me... I have created a MS excel log for my lifting. I've also found since working out 4-6 times a week, my sleep had changed alot. Mostly I'm going to bed slightly earlier, but always waking up, and gettin outta bed right away. No more hitting the snooze button.

Again, my biggest problem is putting on weight. So I continue to eat well and lift.

Glad to hear people with good results. Personally, I love the gym and love being in shape. I am much more active during the day and do not get tired doing things like I used to. I have lost 47 pounds and have increased my strength dramatically, so I know I haven't been losing muscle. I love looking at myself in the mirror now. I used to feel like crap when I would look in the mirror and see a flabby guy with no muscle loking back at me. My self esteem has gone WAY up, I am happier more, and don't feel embarassed to walk around the house without a shirt on. :)

Here is my current avi at IM. Been back 4 weeks :)


I am doing really well also..I have been losing a little quicker than I expected...around 4 pounds a week, I am up to 51 pounds so that is good. I am really enjoying the lifestyle and I think it is a positive change for me as well.

GaSouthern1 said:
I am doing really well also..I have been losing a little quicker than I expected...around 4 pounds a week, I am up to 51 pounds so that is good. I am really enjoying the lifestyle and I think it is a positive change for me as well.

Good to hear man.

I started back about 3 weeks ago on cardio, but monday we're going back to heavy weight and I can't F'n wait. So damn excited. All we do is talk **** to each other constantly, and it just motivates the hell out of me.

Bump. Hows everyone doin?

Not working out, thats how. :p

fatty fat fat

Still at it

I quit for a month because of finals and promotion at work which required me to work a lot more hours. I'm done with school until September, so I'll be at the track or gym pretty much everyday.

I am still going strong, I have lost 73 lbs and I go to the gym every single morning (m-f) at 530 before work and work out with my trainer. I am actaully working out with my old trainers brother, he is big into the natural shows and he is massive and knows his ****e really well. I have some pictures of him if yall wanna see, they are pretty impressive. I hope to be at around 230 by christmas which means that I need to drop another 45 or so.

I never had a problem with weight, and I'm now 32 years old. I actually *lose* weight when I take breaks from lifting. Still no sign of the racehorse metabolism slowing down...or is that gerbil metabolism...get me my gerbil wheel...

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Im good.. switched from bodybuilding type of training(hypertrophy) over to power/strength/speed training(olympic lifting, powerlifting). Im training for strongman now, and will be competing early next year. Im bigger(212lbs) and stronger than ever right now :D I should have my atlas stones in mid july(225, 280lb stones) along with some other training implements.
