The "Squirrel" goes under the knife... | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The "Squirrel" goes under the knife...

...Hopefully I will resume work on the Ranger by the end of next month..:(

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...Depends on the weather and the pace of the trip, but yes, I'm always planning on time to work on my trucks...

...Hopefully WE can be doing some wiring and plumbing on the trail...:biggthump

Speaking of which, I packed the Blue Sea 6-circuit fuse block if you want/need it.

i'm counting on it...:biggthump
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I have that same 10amp Dewalt, it's a good one!

I've been happy with mine. The switch went out a few weeks ago so I found a local tool repair place who fixed it on the spot. $40 bucks later it was good as new.

I liked mine as well. However the cord didn't last when I dropped a heavy piece of steel on it and cut it. I still need to fix it to replace the 7a one that burned up.

I can find out how much it is to rewire it at the place by my house if you want.

...Heck, I'd loan you mine in between my projects..:D

...Done for the evening...I grabbed something off a 2001 Ranger and decided I didn't like the fit...Went thru 3/4 of a Dewalt cut off blade and it fit's as good as it's going to get...

...Are there any better cutoff blades I can use?

...There is nothing better than getting the grinder out, cutting 1-1/2" off here and 3/4" off there and it all fits...That, and the smell of burning hide, hair, and having all your knuckles still intact when you finish..:biggthump

...My local steel yard just started carrying Metabo tools and supplies this last year...I'll check into that..:biggthump

...Are there any better cutoff blades I can use?

I used the Norton ones that Home Depot sells. My buddy who welded my bumper only uses the Norton wheels.

They worked well on the bumper steel...

I can find out how much it is to rewire it at the place by my house if you want.

I have the cord I just need some connectors for the inside at the motor. I will get around to it someday.

...Heck, I'd loan you mine in between my projects..:D

I have 4 other grinders so right now I am good.

I use Metabo Slicer cut off wheels. They last longer than any others I have used :thumbsup: I get them from Leigh Valley Abrasives

I like the Metabo ones as well. I wood get them at IMS. Once I get around to doing more fab work I plan to order them in bulk online.

when is your little helper due to arrive?
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There's a vendor on Pirate who's in your neck of the woods Ted (city of Orange) but he sells in bulk. Supposed to be better quality that what the box stores sell.

..I haven't done much to the truck lately but it is literally screaming for brakes..:D

..I need to attack the front brakes first and after checking locally for good OEM stock rotors while getting prices, I started pricing some slotted only rotors to see what the difference would be..:scratch:

..This led me over to R1 Concepts to see what they had in stock..

...Slotted rotors only would take a couple work days to get so that meant possibly scheduling time off I can't afford to do my brakes..They did have 1 set only of drilled and slotted rotors for my Ranger so I snagged them since I have some free time this weekend ..

..My cost with tax for rotors and pads were about $20 more than what the local suppliers wanted for just the rotors before tax..:biggthump


..I expressed my concern with any crackage and also, the already pressed in bearings..They said no problem as they warranty them for 1 year and if there is a problem they will just upgrade my set to a premium set...Btw, I got semi metallic pads from them just to try their pads out..

..My Ranger has never had a problem with brakes or warping like the X has but we shall see after I test these puppies out..:burnout:

Nice rotors, looking forward to review. Put on Brembo cross drilled last summer along with Satisfied ceramic pads. Maybe 1k miles on them since. Getting a decent amount of vibration when braking... Hate to think new rotors are warped already.

...I've heard both yay's and nay's on Brembo's on certain vehicles..:dunno:

..Who did you get your set up from?

Went for price more than name. Front/Rear Brembo "sport drilled" were from Tire Rack and some Brembooutlet seller on ebay-I think the set from Tire Rack were on some clearance special for around $116-the ebay seller set was similar. The ceramic pads are from Tire Rack (Satisfied name) and ebay or Pep Boys (Pro Stop name-same exact product confirmed by Satisfied Company out of Canada-they are unfriendly people to deal with).

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..I remember when you posted as I thought to myself it was odd that tirerack was selling brakes...

..I have used Pro Stops and they've been great for me..Stay away from the Brute stops as they will eat a rotor up in mere miles..:(

..Do the rotors not come with a warranty since they were on a special? I'm sure you contacted Tirerack about the issue..

..R1 Concepts has a good following amongst many car enthusiast including a number of members here that have ordered from them direct or thru their Ebay listings..They carry brake parts for all the Rangers (pretty sure :scratch:) and Explorer years..
