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This Is Wierd.....


Active Member
March 8, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Waukesha, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Eddie Bauer, '98 XLT
My A/C clutch keeps engaging and disengaging every couple of minutes. I know it is supposed to cycle when the defroster is on or if you have the air on but it does this even with all of the climate controls turned off. Is there a stuck relay somewhere that I can't find or what? Has anyone ever had a problem like this? This is on my '93 EB.

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Mine wasnt intermintent like yours is. Mine started to turn red hot when I had the defroster on. You could try and disconnect the battery and see if resets anything, other than that it sounds like it might be on its last leg. Mines a '94 and I had if replace a couple of months ago.

I've heard that low freon can cause that. It doesn't have enough pressure in the system to keep it going all the time. Might be worth checking out.

That is correct. Low freon will cause the compressor to engage/disengage frequently. I'm not saying that that is exactly what your problem is but I would check the freon first.

I believe mine is doing the same thing. Even with the A/C off, I still hear the sound of it (or something REALLY similar) cutting on and off and the RPM's drop a little when it happens, just like if it was cutting on. This has started after my problem with my A/C working sometimes and not others.
Let me know what happens, as I'll probably need to do the same to mine.

mine on my 91 is the same as the above post and I think it is running out of freon.

Same Thing

Mine was doing samething, and checked pressure and to be low. I optioned to convert the A/C myself for about $40 vice taking it some where and getting ripped for $100.

Re: Same Thing

Originally posted by mwatkins
Mine was doing samething, and checked pressure and to be low. I optioned to convert the A/C myself for about $40 vice taking it some where and getting ripped for $100.

Thats what I did on my old work truck. If you have an older vehicle with R12, usually pre-94, then just buy the kit at Wal-Mart or Auto Zone for $40 and do it yourself. Its very easy and you'll save a lot of money.

Low freon. Hope you aren't running r-12. If you are convert yourself to 34. If you bring it into a shop for a recharge and they detect a leak (which they will) they have to drain it completely by law. Then fix the components.$$$$$$$ before they can recharge the system. If it is a slow leak it may just be an o-ring at a connection., but a shop will probably hit you up for a new compressor, accumulator, and condensor, etc.
