Throttle Position Sensor & Error Code P0122 | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Throttle Position Sensor & Error Code P0122

Hi ncranchero ,

Please send the TPS diagnostics to I bought a new TPS and it sends me a P0122.

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ncranchero or anyone,
Please send the TPS diagnostics either to the Yahoo mail account I posted when registering here or to
Thank you,

This guy -

shows that the problem is seldom the sensor.
He is correct in my case. I got this same DTC before and after installing a new sensor. It is:

P0122 Throttle/Pedal PositionSensor/Switch "A" Circuit Low

So now I always have a roughly running engine unless I hold the pedal down to keep it above above 1100rpm.

Turning the sensor through it's range while it is out of the intake tube causes a change in the rpm, but not much. i.e. I have 5volts to ground where it should be, nd a change in rpm while turning the sensor and am mystified why operation isn't normal.

Any further ideas?

Still hopeing for that TPS test procedure

Still hopeing for that TPS test procedure
