time to buy a new floor jack, any suggestions!? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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time to buy a new floor jack, any suggestions!?

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Hi all, i think it's time i finally buy a new floor jack. i need something that can get my truck with 33" tires off the ground, so something that can go up 20" or more would be ideal. any suggestions would be really appreciated, especially from anyone running 33" tires or bigger. thanks in advance everyone!

From what I've read in previous threads on this site, it seems like the rapid pump jacks tend to break prematurely compared to the old fashioned multi pump jacks. Aluminum jacks are much lighter to move around the garage but cost more than solid iron jacks.

Yes, there are one or more good threads on this very topic in this very section. Please find and add to one of them to keep good info together for future searchers, thanks.

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