Timing chain set replaced, new rattle | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Timing chain set replaced, new rattle


June 13, 2020
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City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 XLT V6
2001 4.0
Had timing chains replaced - complete set. Now, about three weeks later there is a rattle from the driver side isolated at valve cover above the 2nd spark plug from the front. Used a wooden rod-to-ear to isolate the source area. Rattle is louder at idle and almost non audible with raised RPMs. Also, there is no noise coming from the timing chain tensioner area. Also, the noise travels down/through the exhaust. Overall the engine, starts, idles and runs great.
Doesn't "seem" to be timing chain related, but this is a new one for me. Any ideas?

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video? there is a chain in the valve cover at the front that is run off the primary chain. its possible, but a video would be nice

6956AC9B-83F0-42BE-9B94-18100026CAAD.jpeg D747C578-6434-4FA8-9EA5-4DE256397F51.jpeg

Bent oil feed tube hitting the cam lobe, happens more than you'd think

these new Chinese chains are no good

Ford OEM components?

If you used Cloyes, that’s your problem. Install OEM tensioners, May quiet it down.

Bent oil feed tube hitting the cam lobe, happens more than you'd think
Happened to me
It was the oil spray bar on mine
I just cleaned up the old one and reused it

Did you check to see if anything got disconnected or if a tool fell in since work was done on it recently? Sounds travel so it could be from something unrelated which is near that area.

One time somebody that I know asked me to take a look at his van since he hears a noise coming from the engine. He started it then opened the hood. There's was a half eaten very old sandwich on the top of the engine! He said that he was in a gas station a couple of weeks ago, and the attendant wanted to check his oil level. He was eating the sandwich at the time. Since then he kept hearing a noise. It was a vibrating sandwich.

Identified the problem and is now fixed. Had a stuck lifter. Was able to remove the lifter from the head without removing the cam, just barely. Cleaned, primed and installed. All good now except for minor chain rattle - gives character.

Yep, Cloyes. However, will live with the rattle for a while.
one note: some will go thousands of miles with the rattle, some will die soon after it shows itself. it depends on you routlook/situation, as these are interference engines
