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I decided to get the windows tinted so that people couldn't see inside...

What do you guys think??




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What percent are those...?

Looks good :thumbsup:

I can see inside at all.

Looks great.

I can assure you it is NOT 85%
Go to the opposide end of the spectrum.
For example, I have 15% on mine which is considered limosene tint.

I want to tint my windows soon, but I believe they have a factory tint, because when I pulled the seatbelt and window stickers off of the inside glass there was an outline of where the sticker was... If it's not that then MAYBE SOMEHOW BUT NOT REALLY, that I could have privacy glass and it faded somehow...but I seriously doubt that. How much did you spend on all 5 back windows? And did you tint the front 2?

There's a shop that will do mine whatever depth I wanted for 5 windows for 150 smacks...sound like a deal?

5 windows at 150 is reasonable

Thought 5% was limo? I have 15% on all my cars.

What are the tint laws where everybody is?

In WI it is 50% allowed in front, and 35% in back.

Around here, if you have any more than 35% in front, you're going to get bothered.

Are the laws less strict, or don't they enforce them as well?

It varies a great deal. It's up to the cop to enforce. So some are ok while others are ball busters. I've only gotten 1 ticket for my tint & that was in 02. And here's an example of how some cops are just nuts. FL state trooper in the middle of the FL turnpike on a Sunday morning. Traffic is moving at the limit of 70mph. I pass him with a bunch of cars. 2 miles up I see the patrol car with lights on. I figured he was responding to something so I moved out of the way, he then got behind me & pulled me over. He got out, with the tint meter in his hand, asked me to roll the window up half way & read the tint & gave me a ticket for that. I was in shock. A stupid $45(at the time) non moving violation, while the FL turnpike is known as a race track cause people do 100 all the time, & he went out of his way to stop me for tint?

It varies a great deal. It's up to the cop to enforce. So some are ok while others are ball busters. I've only gotten 1 ticket for my tint & that was in 02. And here's an example of how some cops are just nuts. FL state trooper in the middle of the FL turnpike on a Sunday morning. Traffic is moving at the limit of 70mph. I pass him with a bunch of cars. 2 miles up I see the patrol car with lights on. I figured he was responding to something so I moved out of the way, he then got behind me & pulled me over. He got out, with the tint meter in his hand, asked me to roll the window up half way & read the tint & gave me a ticket for that. I was in shock. A stupid $45(at the time) non moving violation, while the FL turnpike is known as a race track cause people do 100 all the time, & he went out of his way to stop me for tint?

aww man that sucks so bad...that tint meter are a pita. im from philly, ive only gotten one pulled on me once...didnt get a ticket for that one, but couldnt escape that $300 sound violation

Yeah, I have the feeling I will get bothered some day if I get pulled over, I don't think they would actually pull me over for my tint, because it is 35% all around.

I had a friend who put 2 1/2% all around his car, including his windshield. It looked really good, but he got in a little trouble for that one...

I have a tint meter. Bought it on Ebay. Laser labs TM100.

How much ?

Looks pretty good. What percent tint did you use?


In GA it's 35% in the driver and passenger doors and anything goes for the others... I have 20% on my front windows and 5% in the back. The 5% has saved me from a couple of extra seatbelt tickets and the ladies enjoy the privacy. You can't get caught if they can't see you!

I'm in Wisconsin and I have 20% from Eclipse Window Tinting in Madison. It looks good on a black truck (would have liked darker...but didn't want "hassles").

I've never been bothered by 5-0!

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