Tinting my windows on Sat need some help | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tinting my windows on Sat need some help

Ok I'm going to be attempting to tint my windows on sat. I bought pre cut tint off ebay. What kind of mixture should I use to clean the windows and to keep the tint wet while placing it? Is there a certain mixture ie 1/8 cup soap to 1/2 cup water or something specific like that or just as long as its somewhat soapy water I should be good? The only thing I cant use is amonia correct? Also I know WalMart sells a tinting kit that includes a squeege etc is this kit any good? If not what kind of squeege would you all recommend me getting? Also are there any other little things that I should get that may help make this process a bit easier? I;ve never tinted before but I saw some how to videos on youtube and read a bunch of threads on here and it doesnt seem that difficult. Seems like the key is to just keep the tint and the window extremely wet while I'm placing it and I should be good. Any help is appreciated, thanks guys!

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when i tinted my old van i just used soapy water with a ratio of about one ounce of soap to like 8 ounces of water and a fresh wall mart gift card (new no burrs and a smooth edge) and it worked great...over a year later and no bubbles or peeling...and as for prep work, i used windex and a beach towel......BTW they were the 2-1/2% like 3'x4' rolls from wall mart that were cut and trimed with regular razor blades....just mist the water on heavly, and put it on...youd be suprised how much it will move around till you squeeze the water out....

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lets get some pics up man if you got it done...

no pics as i havent done it yet. i was going to do it today but the weather is bad here. its like 40 degrees and i was told it might be too cold to put on tint so im siding with caution and ill wait till next weekend.

my sub boxes were prefab, i bought from the store, but they were the right volume/ space for my subs. i wanna make a box or boxes that don't take up as much space so thats a summer project in about two months

I also did my window tint myself, it actually turned out really good. I bought the precut tint off ebay, and i have been rocking it for 2 years now. Its a bad pic but here is what it looks like 5% in the back.

After you clean your windows really good- if you can then spray your windows down really good before starting and squeegee off the solution without using a towel or anything, that will limit the lint under the tint as much as possible. My tint guy always does that, and I've never seen lint/dust sandwiched between the tint and the glass on any of my windows, and he's done 9 cars for me.

Just take your time. Make sure your tint is a little wet if you're reefing on it with the card or it'll scratch. Must be lubricated. Good part is, the windows are pretty flat, so it wont be too bad to do. Good starter job. :thumbsup:
