Tire pressure on Larger Tires | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tire pressure on Larger Tires


June 24, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Littleton, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 XLT
I can't seem to find any threads that specifically state the proper air pressure for running 31" tires on say a '95 explorer with stock rims. I am running about 35 psi (Nitrogen, yes from Costco). I don't won't to ruin my investment (Bridgestone Dueler A/T's 31x10.5x15). If you have any suggestions or can point me to a specific thread that would be great!!

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Every vehicle, and tire is different. Use your previous experience with your vehicle, and the max psi rating on the tire. If you had a good pressure range previously, and the new tires have the same max psi rating, then start with those same pressures.

Generally vehicles with the engine in front need more pressure in the front tires. If you had 35 max psi tires before, and the new tires are 44psi max, then add 5-7psi more than the previous tires had.

With any new tires, watch the tire wear extremely carefully at first. Check the pressures very very often. You aren't looking for a leak, you are learning the cold and hot pressures which the new tires run at. Pay close attention to the handling of the vehicle, the softness of ride, etc. By noticing all of these things, you can adjust the tire pressures to give you the best handling and ride for you. Good luck,

I normally run 30psi with my 31s.

CDW6212R said:
Every vehicle, and tire is different. Use your previous experience with your vehicle, and the max psi rating on the tire. If you had a good pressure range previously, and the new tires have the same max psi rating, then start with those same pressures.

Generally vehicles with the engine in front need more pressure in the front tires. If you had 35 max psi tires before, and the new tires are 44psi max, then add 5-7psi more than the previous tires had.

With any new tires, watch the tire wear extremely carefully at first. Check the pressures very very often. You aren't looking for a leak, you are learning the cold and hot pressures which the new tires run at. Pay close attention to the handling of the vehicle, the softness of ride, etc. By noticing all of these things, you can adjust the tire pressures to give you the best handling and ride for you. Good luck,
Not being pissy but are you saying you should run the max PSI as printed on the tire? I think thats way wrong.
Also if he is running nitrogen, is no worry with hot and cold temps as they are the same, just curious

spindle.... the hot/cold doesnt matter with nitrogen, however leaks occur and are quite common.. not tire leaks, but bead leaks, stem leaks....

cdw didnt say run @ max pressure... he said run at a medium between the max and 30 as an example....

30 is probable fine on an x with 31s

No, I just think that the newer tires with higher max pressures on them can be run with more pressure safely. The more pressure that you use, the better handling and gas mileage you will get. The trade off is a less smooth ride, and a different tread wear pattern.

A range of tire pressure will give an acceptable wear pattern. The trick is to find the highest pressure which doesn't wear the center of the tire too fast, and still give a decent ride.

I started my 18's at 38/35psi, and soon lowered it to 34/31psi. The ride is acceptable, and tire wear is very even. Every vehicle and driver is different. My dad would have any tire running less than 30psi, and wanting a softer ride.

I have no experience with nitrogen use in a tire, but learning the characteristics of a new tire would bring that out. Regards,

I just replaced the shocks yesterday and the ride is WAY stiff. I may lower the pressure a bit to see how that works. I also found the thread that talks about the chalk test. I replaced the tires on the x almost as soon as I got it (it had crappy uniroyals from Wally World) so I don't recall how it rode before.

Shocks can make a huge difference in ride softness on Explorers. Search for what people say about Bilstein shocks. I will likely need new shocks in a while, and those are highest on my list. Good luck,
