Too much mud = Lowering Kit | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Too much mud = Lowering Kit

Anyone ever have so much mud on the underside of their truck that it lowered the whole truck down to almost the bump stops??? I did!!

So my friends and I decide to go test out my new tires in the local mud hole. To start with, there were 7 guys packed in the truck along with probably 100 lbs of other stuff, so I'm sure i was riding pretty low through the mud to start with, and filling up all those holes on the bottom with nice, thick, sticky, heavy clay. After bogging through the holes for a while with everyone in (damn no low range) I went through myself while everyone else watched, balls to the wall the whole time. By the time I was done my truck looked like this. On the way back to town we noticed that my truck bottomed out very easily over any kind of bump. We stopped at the car wash (no i didn't wash it off here, that would be a$$holish :D, we just needed light)and when we got out and looked the truck was sitting like it was lowered! The tops of the tires were even with the fender edges in the back and front, instead of the normal 2-3" clearance! At first I thought I had broke or bent something but when i notcied the rear was the same way i decided it was just all the weight of the mud.

When i got to washing it off the next day i pressure washed for 2 hours on just the underside :p She finally came back up close to regular height. Couple days after that after the mud that was left (still quite a bit) had dried and weighed less it was back to normal. I got under there tonight and literally picked off at least 80 more pounds of dry mud! I can only imagine how much extra weight all of the wet mud that was on it added!

The only other casualty for the night was my front valence and 2 neon tubes (yay for StreetGlow's Warranty). The front valence was full of mud and probably weighed a good 40lbs half dry when i went back to get it the next day. I always wondered what it would look like without it, now I know! I will be posting a WTB in the For Sale, Trade, and Wanted Forum shortly :D


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Dude.. that is more mud than I have ever seen in one garage! :eek:

section that isnt a garage... check it out, its one of those self carwash quarter places ;)

section525 said:
Dude.. that is more mud than I have ever seen in one garage! :eek:

I know. There was mud in places I didn't even know existed! Everything under the hood was solid brown, all the door jambs had mud in them, the whole front suspension was caked, couldn't see anything. I was definately proud of myself. :D
Never got stuck either. Thats the best part. I was in probably 10-12" of mud the whole time but evidentally there was a pretty solid bottom to it cause it just kept on truckin.

wow 2 hours at a car wash, bet that was a bit expensive....looks good with some mudd on it...looks like alot of clean up was as fun :p

Holy crap!

frickea86 said:
wow 2 hours at a car wash, bet that was a bit expensive....

No no no!! I just stopped at the car wash to take pics because it was dark out. I used my pressure washer at my house that i own! :D And yes, clean up was a lot of fun. After two hours of pressure washing I was about as muddy as the truck started out as :p

How did you clean the engine?

Had fun for a short while, and then you need to clean it! That's a lot of mud, holy cow!

With a bottle of castrol purple power cleaner and the water hose to get a lot of the loose stuff. Then I used the pressure washer with the low pressure nozzle to get the rest (I know, I was careful where/how close i sprayed). It almost looks like new now though, that purple power is some good stuff! All I need is to spray some tire foam on the plastic and rubber pieces and you'd never know it was all covered in mud a couple days ago.

Joey p. said:
Had fun for a short while, and then you need to clean it! That's a lot of mud, holy cow!

Actually I think i was mudding for longer than it took to clean. I've probably spent 4 hours getting all the mud off (interior/exterior/engine) and i was playing in the mud for about 5 hours or so. Although after about 3 hours I think I had the maximum amount possible on the undercarriage... there wasn't anywhere that wasn't packed solid with mud!

The best part is that the whole rest of the night and then next morning my truck took "craps" all over town. You can almost follow everywhere else I went that night by following the mud spots on the road :-D

cool, the best lowered 4x4 i've seen in a long long time
