TORQUE MONSTER Headers GROUP BUY | Page 32 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I called the number from the website and actually spoke to the guy, I believe his name was Ron I'm horrible with names- anyways I spent about 45 mins talking about the headers but then he say's that he was moving his shop to Palm Beach I believe so he said give him a few months to get going again and that he would resume making them. I got an email from him telling a woman to put me down for a set, now I have called several times and left messages as well as emails but I have yet to here anything...

Has anyone else had any luck or know if theres a new number, or way to reach him. I have tried every source on the internet has to find any header that would work, looked for any used pairs of TM or the Ford Racing ones. If anyone has any information or know any source, or anyone who is willing to sell a set - Im willing to pay good money.
Confused, what company did you call?

I found this post made the other day:

So their still making them apparently? Is this a different shop, or is this the one moving to FL? I live South of Palm Beach so that would be cool. I'm starting to get that infamous header tick sound. I talked to two shops that do some insane fab work, as I think others have had some custom ones made or tried to on here. But one quick look and they said they didn't even want to deal with it and wasn't worth their headache, they had never seen such a crammed in and poorly package layout for a engine before lol. Gotta agree, I don't know of any other vehicle that could be hard to get or replace headers for. I helped a friend put headers on his Raptor and thats considered really hard in the Raptor world, was like a cakewalk compared to what the Explorer looks like, theres almost zilch room.

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I call Al's Headers about twice a week and have yet to get anyone on the phone. Going on two months now...

Any updates with this? As I would like to buy a set

I've had my Torque Monster's for over a year and crazily, I got TEXT from Erica a couple days ago.

So, unless a text message I never got well over a year ago just materialized (crazier things have happened), a couple things:

Al's Headers and Erica are still involved in producing the Torque Monster's for the 2nd Gen V8 Explorers (and the Rangers that "borrow" the engines out of them!)

2nd, a new (at least to me) way to contact Erica (NEVER easy in my experience)

She sent the text from 714-422-6151

I've gotta say, I love the headers, but the customer service at Al's leaves a LOT to be desired. They're the only game in town, make a really nice, quality product but actually buying them is a chore.

So getting a set of these headers these days appears to be impossible unless you buy them used off somebody?

Just curious but what did they sell for when they were available?

So getting a set of these headers these days appears to be impossible unless you buy them used off somebody?

Just curious but what did they sell for when they were available?

-For earlier model trucks '96-'97 1/2 (build date until 12/96) with internal EGR systems, the current price is $689.00 + $45.00 s/h.
-For '97 1/2-2001 (from build date 01/97 on) with external EGR, the current price is $789.00 + $45.00 s/h.

-For earlier model trucks '96-'97 1/2 (build date until 12/96) with internal EGR systems, the current price is $689.00 + $45.00 s/h.
-For '97 1/2-2001 (from build date 01/97 on) with external EGR, the current price is $789.00 + $45.00 s/h.

Apologies to the mods! Didn't realize i needed to be Elite to post "For Sale".

I have a brand new set of early model ('96-'97 1/2) TM Headers I'll part with for cost + S/H from Calgary, AB T2E0Z9. Available immediately. PM me for details.

They should go fast. I have a later model 5.0 or Id be PMing you.

I'm Ready for this to happen. Shane Gilbert, 918-841-8891, okcpropertymanager [MENTION=184597]yahoo[/MENTION].com

I'm Ready for this to happen. Shane Gilbert, 918-841-8891, okcpropertymanager [MENTION=184597]yahoo[/MENTION].com

Don't hold your breath. Appears that the owner/maker of the TM Header could be a flake and will not respond or anything regarding the headers. You would be better off buying a set of the new OBX Racing Headers (appear to be just the same as the TM but half the price) off of eBay

I went my set back to get fixed or replaced they got them just before Thanksgiving. Left side wasn't made right. Need to text her again see what is happening.

Other reason WHY Torque master header cost more because of being ceramic coated. Ceramic process not cheap either

Don't hold your breath. Appears that the owner/maker of the TM Header could be a flake and will not respond or anything regarding the headers. You would be better off buying a set of the new OBX Racing Headers (appear to be just the same as the TM but half the price) off of eBay

The OBX headers look like great alternative to the Torque Monsters. Although looking at pictures of them, the driver's side tubes look like they go up rather high maybe causing interference with brake master cylinder and booster. ?? Anybody have actual experience with these?
Thanks David.

The OBX headers look like great alternative to the Torque Monsters. Although looking at pictures of them, the driver's side tubes look like they go up rather high maybe causing interference with brake master cylinder and booster. ?? Anybody have actual experience with these?
Thanks David.

Bought a set.... Should install maybe jan/February time frame. I'll be posting up the install when it happens.

Bought a set.... Should install maybe jan/February time frame. I'll be posting up the install when it happens.

They appear to be the same, the OBX look to be exactly the same besides the manufacturing process and coating.

The TM's apparently have issues with fitment for any non stock heads, a few examples are here, where the back edge of the heads and the valve covers are.

Test fit before final bolting on and tightening.

The best header coatings should cost $250 or more, but not $400 ever.

It was few years ago I sent blackjack headers for V8 Mustang II cost me 350.00. Fun part headers cost me 80.00 new from dynomax that engineering Dept had but there best fitting.

When is the group buy taking place. 96 5.0.internal egr

Does anybody know anywhere I can get a set of Torque Monsters or OBX headers?

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Set I got were not made right called Erica and sent them pics. I sent headers back they got them before 2 days Thanksgiving 2015. Guess what still waiting have been lied too many times by her. Told there at jet hot coatings waiting I called her out on this lie. Got text back she's shipping them out to coating place that was 4 weeks ago. I'm thinking there still haven't been fixed yet just another delay tactic. About ready to ask for my money back yes I'm getting pissed. How can any business still be open treating customers like this?
