Totally cooked wheel bearings! NEED HELP | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Totally cooked wheel bearings! NEED HELP


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April 25, 2000
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2008 JK
Totally cooked wheel bearings!


Well I've been having a thumping noise for a few days and my brakes and ABS started acting up, so I thought I'd go in for a brake service next week when I visit my parents. It's been about 40k miles since my last brake job, so I figured it was time. The sound was coming from the left front and I took the tire off and couldn't see any damage and everything looked fine, so that's what I was gonna do.

Well today I was driving and all of a sudden I lose about 50% of my brakes and it felt like something was very wrong. I pulled over and the hub cover had flown off and the hub was smoking. There was grease puked all over the inside of my rim.

I got a tow to the only place on the island open on Sunday. The tow was only $30 (student discount, about 3 miles). I'm getting both sides worked on and can pick it up in about 30 minutes. It's going to be about $250 probably.

Dunno if I'm getting a good deal or ripped, but I need to study and don't have time to work on it, so I had to have someone do the work for me.

That's my adventure of the week :rolleyes:

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The parts alone are pretty costly, so it sounds like your good!

So I have all new bearings, good rotors, and new pads on the front.

However, my ABS kicks in when braking at speeds below 8 mph. Is this just the new brakes wearing in, or what else is wrong?

EDIT: BTW, total job was about $450 for new front brakes and everything else. I know the brake parts alone were about $160.


Check the wheel speed sensor on the side that you had the wheel bearings fail on. If it is covered with metal shavings, clean them off and see if this doesn't help.

Sorry, but could you describe how to get to this sensor, maybe with pics?

I don't need help often, but when I do I'm pretty dumb :rolleyes:

Alec, you got to pull the hub, the senser is behind it.

If so, I'll have the guy do it next weekend and pull the ABS fuse for now. This guy rents the shop out once a week from the @$$hole owner. Either that or I'll have him do it on his own time.

If there's any other way to do this other than pulling the hub then I'll do it within reason.

You can try from behind, follow the wire down to the sensor, there should be a bolt holding it in, when I did my balljoints, I couldn't get it out, and didn't want to damage it, that's why I suggest pulling hub, it reads wheel speed inside rotor. Try spaying brake kleen with a straw, it may work.


sweet, thanks.

I have a test today and it's supposed to rain today and tomorrow. Maybe I'll get a chance to look at it Wedensday or so. For now I'll take out the ABS fuse.

Thanks for the help everyone.

Alec, instead of disconnecting the fuse which is tied into other things, just unplug one of the front ABS connectors which will disable the ABS.

Taking the fuse out is much easier in the rain than crawling under the truck. And my circuit list does not list anything else on that fuse besides the ABS. I took it out before without any problems.

Well cleaning the sensors didn't help. I'm thinking the sensor on the cooked side may just be bad. I'm gonna price a new one, and if it's under $20 I'm gonna try it.

Any other ideas?

Cleaning the RABS helped about 50%, so I may try replacing that one and/or the front one. I'm gonna see how much they are. Maybe it was just coincidence that the rear sensor went out at the same time as my front problems?

Update: getting a RABS this afternoon (if the guy ordered the right part) and we'll see.

Yet another update, replacing the RABS didn't work, and none of the parts stores list the front sensor. So I asked Torrie and I'll call the local dealer tomorrow. For now I just unplugged it again.

My ABS ocassionally engages in the morning at the first stop at the end of my street when probably only going 5 mph. Its always done it and I guess it I've gotten used to it.

Have you checked the VSS sensor or traced the front ABS wire up to its next connection? Couldn't hurt.

How about disconnecting the battery and seeing if a 'puter reset will help.

I may try resetting the computer tomorrow. It's just a PITA to reset the radio all the time :p

I've checked the sensors and as much wiring as I can get to. It seems the "cooked" sensor isn't as magnetic as the other 2, maybe it really did get cooked.

The truck brakes so much better right now with the system disabled it's not even funny.

Yeah, the radio memory thing sucks. I was going to hook up some diodes and a 9V battery snap to the constant wire on the radio so i don't lose everything in my deck. Well, I don't even know if it would actually work, BUT if it did/does, I'll probably reset my computer more often.

So I replaced the front "cooked" sensor for $60 :eek: The problem is 90% gone, but the ABS still kicks on during some low speed stops. It isn't dangerous anymore, just annoying. I'm gonna test it out for the next few days and see how it goes. If it doesn't get any better or gets on my nerves too much, I'm gonna disable the ABS system permanently and maybe take out the dash lamp.

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Originally posted by Alec
So I replaced the front "cooked" sensor for $60 :eek: The problem is 90% gone, but the ABS still kicks on during some low speed stops. It isn't dangerous anymore, just annoying. I'm gonna test it out for the next few days and see how it goes. If it doesn't get any better or gets on my nerves too much, I'm gonna disable the ABS system permanently and maybe take out the dash lamp.

Did you reset the computer after replacing the sensor?
It may be remembering the old data the bad one was sending? :)
Just a thought....
