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Trans Questions


April 9, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Brandon, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Navajo LX 4x4
Sup guys. I have a 94 Navajo. Truck runs great, runs strong, and has served me well since buying it used in 06.

I replaced the fuel pump this year, and took care of one issue I was having with it, and have a few other small things to work on with the 4x4 shift motor, and door pins. I've read a ton of great info on this site that has helped me out a bunch.

I just got done looking up threads on transmission leaks, and found some good info, but thought I'd post up anyway and ask a few of my own questions that I didn't seem to find answers to, or the posts I had seen before.

I know it has a leak, because it leaks in my driveway all the time. It seems like a small amount of fluid, but after a week or two, I'll notice that in the morning it won't want to shift into gear till I rev the motor, then the entire truck will shoot forward or backward. So I have kept adding more trans fluid to it, and it's kept it from doing this, and I added a bottle of stop leak to the trans as well to help, and it stays full now (with me checking it), and shifts smoother, but is still leaking. I have to get under and clean it off and figure out where it's leaking from.

I just found a post about the modulator, and I know she's leaking into the tree, like was stated on the post, so I'll be finding out more info on buying a new modulator, and replacement. I had also wanted to see what else I should do while under it and replacing things on the trans. I know before I had heard about a few 8.00 parts that were seals I believe that were a common problem for leaking and causing issues, but can't find the post now. As well, does anyone have some tips on where to look to hopefully narrow down the leaking spot quickly? I don't think there is anything wrong with the trans, at least I've never had any issues with it, till it gets low on fluid, but think I'm going to end up replacing a good amount of seals.

Any ideas, tips, tricks, and recommendations from you guys would be great.


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I would say that you should replace the modulator. As far as the external leak, it could be from any seal, gasket, connection or possibly even from the vacuum line going to the modulator since it gets full of fluid. Put a piece of cardboard under the transmission, clean everything up, then check the area a few hours later.

Nice, anyone know the general cost and complexity of replacing one? Or does anyone have any tips, tricks, diagrams of the unit and replacement?

Thanks for the info and the trick with the cardboard, I hadn't thought about that. Guess I'll be under there with the pressure washer soon. LOL

Just out of curiosity .. could my drip/leak be coming from the modulator possibly?

Thanks for all the help guys. Glad to know it's a cheap part, I'm gonna get it ordered and installed immediately.
