DRIVING AGAIN! Forward AND Reverse, But still no OD.
Hey Ho! We are driving again. Transmission is back in vehicle with forward AND reverse. Two snafus took care of the NO REVERSE after the rebuild. #1: The solenoid bracket on the VB was originally reinstalled without looping the valve positioner correctly causing the valve to sit too far into the VB and not function. #2: The Center Support in the 2000 5R55E only uses the teflon oil rings - NOT the rubber o-rings. When the rebuild kit is received, it contains several "extra" parts to cover whatever updated model you may have. There were 3 different options of rings for the center support included. The ASTG manual does not clearly show or explain exactly which rings to use and where to install them. As an idiot, I tried putting the rubber o-rings on the center support, and this caused the back half of the unit to be too tight. The output shaft would no longer turn in both directions.
So all is well -- I thought. Only problem now is that 1st gear is prolonged - there is definite delay in shifting to 2nd gear, and we still do not have OD. I readjusted the front band and have checked/rechecked the fluid level. Even though the #3 shift solenoid tested OK for resistance, could this be sticking and causing the problem?
This is a really LONG project, but I am stubborn and will not give up.