Transfercase fix | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Transfercase fix

Not a jeep

August 14, 2013
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Tri cities wa
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 explorer sport.
I have a 96 sport with the tcase has that electromagnet engagement crap that really sucks. Has anyone on here came up with a good fix for this?

I will be pulling the case out and apart next week any thoughts on making it work when you want it to not when it wants too!

Also what front lockers are you guys using?

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There are several threads on rebuilding the shift motor, which is likely your issue.

As for front lockers, I prefer a selectable and only use it when really needed (ARB), otherwise turning radius suffers greatly but many are running auto lockers like Aussie

There are several threads on rebuilding the shift motor, which is likely your issue.

As for front lockers, I prefer a selectable and only use it when really needed (ARB), otherwise turning radius suffers greatly but many are running auto lockers like Aussie

No , it's not the shift motor , that works fine, it's the electromagnet that ingauges the clutches inside the tcase for the front drive Shaft. And I have read all about the brown wire mod.(not a fan)
When I was weelin I hung up on the rear bumper/shackles and the rear tires would just spin without the front, seems there is some sensor that controls when the front output shaft engages, if the front wheels aren't moving already it won't engage I guess!
So that part is going to become a solid unit with NO clutches when I am done with it!

I pulled the tcase and disassembled it today, there is no way to modify it without making it a full time 4 wheel case, still would have hi and low but would be stuck in 4x4.
Going to look for a older case tommorow that does not have the clutch crap with electromagnet . I think the 95 older cases don't have the brown wire! Anyone have any info?

You sure it's the Tcase? You saw the front driveshaft not turning? 95-96 have an elecronically actived vacuum disconnect on the front axle.

You sure it's the Tcase? You saw the front driveshaft not turning? 95-96 have an elecronically actived vacuum disconnect on the front axle.

Ya. I put the one piece axle in from a 99. the axle disconnect stuff is a little on the weak side!

Ya. I put the one piece axle in from a 99. the axle disconnect stuff is a little on the weak side!

Ok. That answers that question.

Sounds like you want a 13-54 manual from a 90-97 Ranger or a 91-94 Explorer.

Ok. That answers that question.

Sounds like you want a 13-54 manual from a 90-97 Ranger or a 91-94 Explorer.

Thanks for the info. I am going to get one later today, hope I can still make the electric shift work!

There are several threads on rebuilding the shift motor, which is likely your issue.

As for front lockers, I prefer a selectable and only use it when really needed (ARB), otherwise turning radius suffers greatly but many are running auto lockers like Aussie

Ok, do you happen to know if the (Aussie Xd-13530 ) will work in the ifs front diffs? I have to front diffs ones a 96 the other Is a 99. Can't find any good info on what will work for sure, I Would like to get one ordered and put in before the trip.

I found a good deal on a new Spartian locker SL M35-1.5-27. They say it works better the the Aussie and is a little stronger. It will be here Monday!

Desided to try and figure out why the stock tcase would not work, Changed out the electromagnet and now it locks tight , the old one would not hold the hub tight to engage the clutches . You could spin the front shaft by hand with it engaged ! put the tcase back in and the new locker in the front diff today Will do some testing and see if that works. When the mag is on now you can't move the front shaft even with a bar on it, locks solid!
