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Transmission Filter


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October 18, 2006
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Getting ready to Change the filter and do a flush on my 5.0 (4R70W).

I was wondering if anyone had a brand recomendation for the filter. I did a search and the one that stuck out was FRAM Microfelt. It doesn't seem as though Fram makes them anymore, as there website says cellulose fiber. The auto parts stores websites do not list material either. I've got NAPA, Autozone, and Advance. Or Ford.

Any body got any preferences or recomendations?

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I did mine about two years ago. I went with a Purolator Filter from Pep Boys here in Nashville. Drained and replaced about 6 quarts of MerconV Fluid. No problems about 30k miles later.

Just make sure it has a fiber material in it.Some of the cheapos are jist screens.

I did mine about two years ago. I went with a Purolator Filter from Pep Boys here in Nashville. Drained and replaced about 6 quarts of MerconV Fluid. No problems about 30k miles later.

Was the Purolator an actual filter, or just a screen? It does not say on the website.

Celulose fiber is just paper... I wold not go with Fram. Either Purolator or Ford (I think is made by Purolator).
On mine I added an external filter on the lines that where connected to the supplemental radiator.


Celulose fiber is just paper... I wold not go with Fram. Either Purolator or Ford (I think is made by Purolator).
On mine I added an external filter on the lines that where connected to the supplemental radiator.

Do you have any write up for how to do that?

Do you have any write up for how to do that?

Not really, beside that pic that shows the direction of the flow in the suplementary transmission oil cooler (if you have it already). This is because the new filter adaptor has an "IN" and an "OUT" of the flow. Thise copper pipes connect to rubber hoses at the radiator.
I took one of the existing hoses from the radiator and plug it in the adapter. Took the hose provided with the kit and plug it back where I did remove the previous. Like I said, watch out the flow in the new filter to!
I added a magnet from a broken HDD to trap the eventual iron particles in the fluid. Don't know how effective is.

I forgot the number of the adapter part, I think it was PermaCool (it came with the white filter). You can look online for "Remote Transmission Filter Kit".

Not really, beside that pic that shows the direction of the flow in the suplementary transmission oil cooler (if you have it already). This is because the new filter adaptor has an "IN" and an "OUT" of the flow. Thise copper pipes connect to rubber hoses at the radiator.
I took one of the existing hoses from the radiator and plug it in the adapter. Took the hose provided with the kit and plug it back where I did remove the previous. Like I said, watch out the flow in the new filter to!
I added a magnet from a broken HDD to trap the eventual iron particles in the fluid. Don't know how effective is.

I forgot the number of the adapter part, I think it was PermaCool (it came with the white filter). You can look online for "Remote Transmission Filter Kit".

THanks for the description. WHen you installed the remote filter kit, do you just take the internal filter out?

I was wondering that too.
Also, is the filter specific to transmissions, or will an oil filter work (PH8A...)?

No, the internal filter stays in, otherwise the pump cannot "suck" the fluid. Sure, the best thing is to replace the internal filter with a new one at the same time - lowers the total pressure drop in the system.
The filter that came with was a PermaCool 81008 (thread size 3/4-16", relief valve 14psi, similar with Fram PH8A ). Hose is a Goodyear. Connectors are two 5/16" barb-type.

No, the internal filter stays in, otherwise the pump cannot "suck" the fluid. Sure, the best thing is to replace the internal filter with a new one at the same time - lowers the total pressure drop in the system.
The filter that came with was a PermaCool 81008 (thread size 3/4-16", relief valve 14psi, similar with Fram PH8A ). Hose is a Goodyear. Connectors are two 5/16" barb-type.

So did you, or would you recomend, replacing the internal filter with a screen type to potentailly keep the total pressure drop lower if installing an external filter?

I was worried about that, but I in the end didn't think the BIG external filter would give a pressure drop that is semnificative.
I did left the internal filter in place, just in case that I will ever need to remove the external filter in a hurry. I didn't feel any performance decrease in shifting. I just replaced the old, clogged, filter with a new one.

Of course, that is only my oppinion, if you feel that you want to eliminate that extra pressure drop, you can go with a plain screen inside.

I was worried about that, but I in the end didn't think the BIG external filter would give a pressure drop that is semnificative.
I did left the internal filter in place, just in case that I will ever need to remove the external filter in a hurry. I didn't feel any performance decrease in shifting. I just replaced the old, clogged, filter with a new one.

Of course, that is only my oppinion, if you feel that you want to eliminate that extra pressure drop, you can go with a plain screen inside.

I really like this idea.
I will probably change to a fiber gasket internally and add the external at a later date.
