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Transmission Service


Active Member
July 9, 2008
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City, State
Dallas, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Explorer XLT
I bought a high mileage 1997 Explorer 2WD 4.0L SOHC W O/D. Ford mechanic advised me not to service the tranny if I didn't know the history of its servicing, or it might not go into grear with new "slick" fluid in there. Now it has 200,000 miles and I am sure the (T) fluid is broken down. I really want to swap out some of the burnt fluid, but feel like I should match the viscosity of the older fluid with an additive like Lucas oil for it to work properly. Any ideas? How do I know how much Lucas Oil to use?

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In the same situation except...

I bought a 1999 Explorer Sport that has 155k on the drivetrain and I did not like the sludge I found when draining the engine oil so I driopped the oil pan and replaced the oil pump and cleaned the crap out of the oil pan and the windage tray..

I also siphoned 4 quarts of the garbage in the tranny called fluid and replaced it with 4 quarts of Mercon V... I drove the truck for a few miles and decided to drop the tranny pan next... I didn't notice a particular shifting problem except the 2-3 flare and it wasn't that bad... But I will remove the pan and see the condition of the VB and the residue in the bottom of the pan...

I hate not knowing the history of a vehicle but I guess I can't complain about a $300 SUV... If the 6 cylinder goes boom, I have a stroked V8 just waiting for transplant...:D

Good luck with your truck.. Personally, I would change the fluid and filter and see what you are dealing with up close... As someone else has said..." If a fluid and filter change kills the tranny, it was already waiting to die"... Or something like that...

Thanks for welcoming me to the FORUM and for all of your REPLIES.
My knowledge is transmissions is pretty much limited to PRNDL1L2.

From what I see on the dipstick, the transmission fluid in there is toast and obviously broken down. The Ford mechanic explained that the particles and debris create a consistency that makes a harmonious relationship inside the tranny, and upsetting that balance would likely mess it up. Based on that, doing nothing made sense for a while, but I've put 110,000 miles on it since I bought it. I'm definitely afraid to replace all of the fluid, but maybe a partial replacement of fluid would at least upgrade the quality of what is in there.

Therefore, if new ATF fluid is "thinner", I should probably increase the viscosity of any new fluid to increase my chances of success. That is what made me think of trying one of those additives. If new fluid is too thin.....just thicken it up a little bit?????

Anybody know anything about these additives?
How much old ATF fluid should I extract?
How much additive per 1 qt. of new fluid or is it mixed based on total fluid in the tranny.

This came up on a call-in auto repair show this weekend. The mechanic advised to go ahead and change the fluid every 10k miles from now on, but not to flush it or drain the converter. That way it's only a small percentage of the old fluid being replaced each time so it keeps the viscosity up while adding fresh lubricants.

That is the strangest advice I have ever heard. I hear a lot of issues with flushing equipment, but if there were a way to change all your oil (such as a 4R70W) I would certainly do it. If your trans is in such bad shape that it fails with new fluid, then you don't have anything reliable anyway.


Are the shift solenoids for a 1997 Explorer the same for all of these:
4R44E ; 4R55E and 5R55E ??

I found the following website (Whatever it takes transmissions) that had them listed as follows:

D56421 Solenoid, 4R44E/4R55E/5R55E Shift 1995-Up $24.34

R56421 Solenoid, 4R44E/4R55E/5R55E Shift 1995-Up $33.03

T56421 Solenoid, 4R44E/4R55E/5R55E Shift 1995-Up $29.33


solenoid parts


Is that for real ?

A set of 4 solenoids for $16.00
$4 each?

Should I go ahead and replace the EPC and TCC as well since they are 12 years old?

Personally, I would drop the pan and do the fluid and filter. It'll only replace a few (maybe 4) quarts at a time that way.

DO NOT FLUSH!!! Flushing causes more issues than it fixes. A simple fluid and filter change is all that's necessary the vast majority of the time.


Hopefully it's a solenoid, mine had 225,000 on it when the intermediate servo got stuck, and snapped the intermediate band and adjusting strut, when that happened - goodbye 2nd gear.

I can come by and run the codes and we'll see what the computer says, but at the very least I can help you limp/drag it to a shop.

If you got the time/space, do the fluid and filter change on it. You're not out much $$$ and time. This weekend I'm kind of covered up, but I can swing by Sat. afternoon and take a quick look-see.

If it's slipping in 2nd gear for you, that means the overdrive may be on the fritz as the SOHC's have a 5 speed automatic that applies OD in first to get a better gear, rather than the OHV's gap between 1st and 2nd.


That would be great. I think you mentioned 1:00 pm on your e-mail.

I thought I would wait to change the filter and fluid after I ran those trouble codes.

That way, I'm not having to drop the pan twice.

For what it's is thread I posted yesterday detailing the progression of my situation from the beginning symptoms.
